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Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 16 February 2007 Wednesday, 16 February, 1972 Calcutta My Dear Kirtika dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 15, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Regarding your question whether husband and wife should live together in the temple, according to temple rules they should not live together in the temple. It does not give a good impression for brahmacaris and sannyasis. It is better if the grhasthas have a separate asrama, just like in Los Angeles the married disciples rent rooms together in one apartment house near the temple and live there separately, and in this way no one is disturbed, neither the brahmacaris are disturbed by householder life, nor the grhasthas are disturbed by brahmacaris. This is the best system, and if you and your good husband require to live together to advance nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that is very good proposal, but you should try to model the arrangement after the Los Angeles temple, and you should live separately, men and women, if you live in the temple itself. It is a very important question, and I am glad that you have asked me, but I think from now on the GBC men may be consulted in all such matters of temple management and affairs. I have given them everything, so they shall be able to answer all questions, and if they cannot answer from their experience, then I have given answer in my books--and still if they cannot answer, they may ask me. But now we are expanding very rapidly with so many centers throughout the world, and every day I am receiving not less than ten to fifteen important letters. I am always very much encouraged to hear from my disciples and to reply them, but now I am old man and I have inclination for philosophy and translating, and if all day and night I am reading and answering and signing letters then I cannot utilize this, the fag end of my life, to give you so many nice literatures like the Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and other books in our own Gaudiya line, like Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others. So if the GBC which I have appointed for this task will kindly now assist me in this way, by handling very expertly and with all good consideration all matters of managing, I shall devote my full time to giving you further nice books. Hoping this will meet you in good health and happy mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: brahmacaris, grhasthas, management, marriage, translating letters | 05:52 |16 February, 1972 Calcutta My Dear Chaya dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 29, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Complete separation from the boys is not necessary for girls at such young age, so I don't require that they must be educated separately, only that they should live separately. What do they know of boy or girl at such young age? There was one question by a little girl like Sarasvati to her father: "Father, when you were young were you a boy or a girl?'' So when they are grown up, at about 10 to 12 years old, then you can make separate departments for teaching also. But while they are so young, although they must live in separate boys and girls quarters, they may be educated sometimes together, there is no such restriction that little girls should not have association with little boys, not until they are grown up. All the children should learn to read and write very nicely, and a little mathematics, so that they will be able to read our books. Cooking, sewing, things like that do not require schooling, they are learned simply by association. There is no question of academic education for either boys or girls--simply a little mathematics and being able to read and write well, that's all, no universities. Their higher education they will get from our books, and other things they will get from experience, like preaching, SKP, etc. Alongside the regular classes in reading and writing, the other routine programs they should also participate in, like arati, kirtana, preaching, Sankirtana, like that. You ask about marriage, yes, actually I want that every woman in the Society should be married. But what is this training to become wives and mothers? No school is required for that, simply association. And it is not necessary to say that women only can instruct the girls and men only can instruct the boys, not when they are so young. At 12 years, they may be initiated. A woman's real business is to look after household affairs, keep everything neat and clean, and if there is sufficient milk supply available, she should always be engaged in churning butter, making yogurt, curd, so many nice varieties, simply from milk. The woman should be cleaning, sewing, like that. So if you simply practice these things yourselves and show examples, they will learn automatically, one doesn't have to give formal instruction in these matters. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: children, gurukula, marriage, wife letters | 05:51 |16 February, 1972 Calcutta My Dear Sidheshvar and Krsnakanti, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters of January 24 and 25 respectively. I am so much pleased by this Krishna Show! If you are able to arrange everything so that I can simply sit in my room and be seen by the world and speak to the world, then I shall never leave Los Angeles. That will be the perfection of your L.A. Temple. I am very, very encouraged by your proposal to flood the medias of your country with our Krishna Consciousness program, and see that it is practically taking shape under your hands, so I am all the more pleased. Especially it is nice that because they hear our Krishna Show the people are ordering Krishna Book. This is a very good way to induce the public for accepting our philosophy, because they are prone to believe and accept whatever they hear on the radios and televisions. Now go on in this way increasing more and more, and always stick tight to the point of our philosophy. We should not compromise in any way just to accommodate the public idea, but we can so tastefully present the real thing that we will change the people to accommodate us. Thank you very much for assisting Lord Caitanya so nicely in spreading this Sankirtana Movement. When I shall come there very soon I will see how things are going on. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 05:51 | 16 February, 1972 Calcutta My dear Abhirama, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 16, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Yes, you may install either the Jagannatha deities, the Panca-tattva, or, if you are very serious to engage in deity worship program, you may have both, according to the direction and advice of your GBC man. But this deity worship is very serious program, and it must be kept to the utmost highest standard and never allowed to be neglected. So if you are willing and able to initiate such program in Baltimore center, I have no objection. Similarly, I have no objection to the marriage between Sruta das and Samista dasi, if the GBC man has approved. In future instances, if the GBC man is in agreement to marry, you need not consult me in the matter, as I have now handed over all such questions to them for deciding. Hope this will meet you in good health and happy mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 05:50 | 16 February, 1972 Calcutta My Dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 20, 1972, along with pictures, floor-plan, and tape, and I am very very pleased that you have been able to secure that place for our Gurukula school and temple. I am enclosing one letter to Chaya dasi in this respect, to clear up a few points, namely, that we should concentrate on training these children up in Krishna Consciousness, not so much by formal, academic education--a little reading, writing, mathematics, that's all--but more by giving them facility to follow the examples of the older devotees in the regular KC program, namely, rising early, arati, chanting, reading, street Sankirtana, preaching, distributing literature--like that. These children can be trained in that way, by participating in all of these activities throughout the day, and always the focus of attention will be on Krishna. So you kindly see that these programs are carried on nicely, that is, in the matter of our routine KC program, and let the children learn in that way. Not much time should be wasted giving so much academic knowledge, a little reading and writing, that's all. Let them be able to read our books very nicely, and that will be their higher education. Keep them always happy in Krishna Consciousness, and do not try to force or punish or they will get the wrong idea. By and by, if they are satisfied in this way, they will all grow up to be first-class preachers and devotees. One thing, if Aniruddha is shaky in his Krishna Consciousness, how he can teach the children? Unless one is firmly convinced about Krishna Consciousness, I don't think the children will learn properly from such a person. Other experienced teachers may be called from other centers if they are required, that you should discuss with the GBC. If you are only a few persons, and if the place is so big, how you can manage? Especially I don't think you will be able to worship Radha-Krishna deities at the very high standard until later time. Better reserve all your workers for managing other things until many devotees are there. When I shall come there later on, I will see everything, how it is going on. Sarasvati and I have enjoyed the tape of the children lecturing very much, and I think she will come with us to USA when we shall go there by late Spring or early Summer. Hoping this will meet you in good health and happy mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: children, gurukula, management letters | 05:49 |15 February 2007 Tuesday, 15 February, 1972 Madras My Dear Amogha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated January 14 and January 24, 1972, and your telegram requesting marriage. I have no objection, and you have my blessings. Actually, most of my best managers are grhasthas, because they have a natural propensity to manage, so if you have got that also, and if you think together you and your wife can open a very nice center there in Djakarta and serve Krishna together nicely, and if your other godbrothers are recommending, then why not marry that girl. But one thing is that you shall have to be from now on fully responsible for protecting her and giving her Krishna Consciousness, and there shall never be any separation, that is our condition. So if you are willing to follow this condition, I have no objection. So far Bali Mardan is concerned, I think he is presently managing our ISKCON Press, but I have asked for the GBC to review the position of our Press, and the question of managing the Far East Zone may be also settled by them at that time. For the time being, since there is no one there to supervise as GBC, you may address your questions to Karandhara in Los Angeles and he will advise you. I am very glad to hear that my books are being translated into Indonesian language, and I shall be glad to receive from you the sample copy. Two of my very nice students, Tusta Krishna Das and his wife, Tulsi Krishna dasi, who have been with me in India or some time, are on their way to New Zealand to open a center and they may be stopping there to give you assistance for awhile, so you may please expect them. Now I have just got a complaint, both in writing and in person, from a man studying here in Madras who is supposed to be engaged to marry a young girl by name of A. Satyabama, who lives at #8A Krishnan Temple, Taiping, Malaysia. He complains that you and others of our devotees in Malaysia have somehow or other caused some disturbance in the girl's family, especially Hanuman, and has requested me to ask you to not interfere in the matter anymore. Now I do not do not know what are the details, but you may inform me. We must be very careful to avoid anything scandalous in our dealings, and always keep to the highest standards of respect and courtesy. So kindly deal with such matters in future with great caution and tactfully so that our Movement may not get a bad reputation, especially among people who are very sensitive to such things. I know in your country the mixing between boys and girls is very ordinary thing, but in our Asian countries one must be very very careful about such matters, so kindly inform Hanuman and the others in this way. We have just purchased a very large and beautiful plot in Bombay for building the first Hare Krishna City, so I shall be staying in India about one month longer, that is, through end of March, but then I shall be going directly to Australia from Bombay, so if there is opportunity, I shall gladly stop for a visit in Djakarta. What do [PAGE MISSING] Labels: Australasia, grhasthas, marriage, translating letters | 21:25 |15 February, 1972 Madras My dear Gargamuni, Please accept my blessings. I have just now received your letter, and I thank you very much for understanding our philosophy correctly. Yes, if one is always engaged in following the orders of the Spiritual Master, even in hell, that is Vaikuntha or Vrindaban. Now I think immediately you should go to Bombay to take charge of one matter while I am away at Mayapur. During our absence, the vacant plot which we have purchased must be levelled, cleared, and at least four latrines constructed, in preparation for the pandal festival which we are holding there throughout month of March. I will be coming back to Bombay about the first of March to ___ once in the morning and once in the evening, and we shall ___ camp there, so that people may be attracted and some ____ may be raised. Now there is one very good boy, Mahamsa ____ who is now in charge of things in Bombay, and he has ____ experience and is perfectly qualified to manage every ____ he is there now. But since he has not got opportunity ___ bay for more than one year, because he has always ____ behind to look after things, therefore Madhudvisa ____ he can come to Mayapur. It will be good if he can ____ So you please go there and take instruction from him ____ regard to levelling the vacant plot and constructing ___ see what progress he has made. He was supposed to have ___ use of hiring coolies to level by hand, but it is doubt ___ can be done very nicely, so if you think it is better, you ___ one machine for levelling the whole thing in one day, and ___ have several Life Members in Bombay who are having such machine ___ building business. Now do everything nicely, also hold our regular ___ kirtana and arati programs daily in the temple, and I shall completely trust this important business to you. I think Madri dasi and Tungabhadra dasi are also there for attending the deities. You write that you have no money, so I have instructed Mahamsa to send you the fare money, and as soon as you receive that you may go there immediately. Now I have just received a cable from Ksirodakasayi Prabhu that Mr. Saraf has given us the land. We shall gladly accept the offer, so kindly inform Ksirodakasayi to draw up all the legal papers and gift deed for handing the land over to our Society, and he can bring those papers, along with a plan of the plot showing length and width dimensions, and we shall settle up our Vrindaban program when he shall meet me in Mayapur. Meanwhile, Subala Maharaja may remain there for looking after things in Vrindaban and assisting Ksirodakasayi wherever possible. I am very much pleased to know that we shall be raising up a nice center now in Vrindaban, and also in Bombay, so Krishna has been very kind upon us, now let us all work cooperatively and with full enthusiasm to do the needful. I am enclosing one plot-plan of the Bombay land for your attention. Kindly send me your report c/o our Calcutta branch. So far the court case is concerned, I do not know how long it will take you to present the case to the court, but in any case you must take the help of some lawyer, and I think it will take some time to prepare. But if you give him all details and documents, why the lawyer cannot deal with the matter in your absence? Also, Subala may assist and make certain that everything is presented properly, and also Ksirodakasayi, if he is there. It is not a difficult problem, only I want assurance that my rooms at Radha-Damodara, that I shall not be obstructed from using them in the future and that something in my favor be settled about the illegal seizure of my entrance veranda, that's all. In other words, I am the legal tenant, and as long as I continue to pay rent, there shall be no interference. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: India, legal, management, Vrindavan letters | 21:25 |14 February 2007 Monday, 14 February, 1972 Madras My dear Himavati dasi, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of February 1, 1972. I am very much engladdened to note that you are progessing so nicely in Krishna Consciousness by teaching others. That is the system. Learn yourself and teach others, then this Movement will grow progressively. But one thing is that the highest standards of purity must be always very strictly followed. Therefore I am always encouraged that you are entrusted with instructing others in deity worship, cooking and other things. Although you are at liberty to follow your husband, that is not my point, but if you go the deity worship may be neglected and our progress will be hampered. That is my opinion, because you are in charge, but if you think you may go sometimes, I have no objection as long as the standard does not fall. In this and other matters you have to manage. You have to instruct others so they will not resent--if they resent, how things can be managed? As for the question about menstrual cycle, the only remedy is chanting. Anyone who is trained can be secretary, that is not such important position as preaching and training younger devotees from your experience. But that is up to your husband to decide if you will be his secretary. And you should not worry, he'll never be given Sannyas without your sanction. There is no question of giving him Sannyas, so why you are asking? You do not want separation from his good company, that's all right, my only point is, in your absence, who will manage? That is my only fear. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: husband, purity, sannyasa letters | 06:30 |14 February, 1972 Madras My dear Hamsaduta, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 29 January, 1972. I am very pleased to note that you are so enthusiastic to push on Krishna Consciousness and follow yourself very faithfully the regulative principles chalked out by our great predecessors. If you simply go on in this way, everything will come out successful, that we are seeing practically. So as GBC you must see to it that the highest standards of routine work are maintained throughout all the centers, and that chanting, rising early, cleansing, and all other aspects of our regular program may not be neglected. That is our first business. GBC men should not dictate very much, simply supervise and see that the standards are maintained. The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point? With reference to your point that it may be too difficult to drive with van to India, if it is not practical then we should not attempt. But I see so many world tourists here in such vans, how they can do it and we cannot? Regarding Krishna Das, I have heard that Sweden is a very good field, so if he is doing something tangible there, that is to his credit and why not he should remain there for some time--but why he does not write me letters and send his address? I do not know if he is taking active part of if he is not doing anything. So far your producing records there, that is a very nice proposal, so do it nicely, however you think is best. Now our Society is growing very rapidly all over the world, and the burden of administration is taxing me too much and taking too much time. So I want that you all GBC men work cooperatively to manage things now, along with the other officers, and it is better if devotees can address their questions to you, and because I have now given you everything you are able to answer all such questions from what you know, and if there is any difficulty you may consult my books, or you may write me if necessary. Regarding that house, I think it may be a little idealistic, but if you think it is suitable why not purchase it? There is need for a centralized European continent headquarters, just like our Bombay branch is the headquarters for India zone, so if you think this place may be suitable, and if the owner is very friendly with us and offers us very good terms, then all the European centres may cooperate to try for it. But one thing is, I don't think the government will support, because they will want to give us their syllabus and we will not be able to preach in our own way. So far purchase of press is concerned, that is a GBC matter for which you must consult the others. Hope this will meet you in good health and happy mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: GBC, India, management, regulative principles letters | 06:27 |13 February 2007 Sunday, 13 February, 1972 Madras My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 20, 1972, along with Cow Protection Report. I am very pleased to hear that you are keeping things very nicely and yourself you are determined to follow strictly the regulative principles. I am very glad to learn that the regulative principles are being strictly followed, otherwise we shall fall down, victim of Maya. Yes, as in the case of Ranadhira, please institute these most important points of attending mangal arati and chanting 16 rounds, these are the most important points of Krishna Consciousness process. But make it so that people may not think too repressive so they will not go away - impressive but not repressive - that is the system. These regulative principles are our life, if they are not respected then we fall down from the standard and the whole thing is finished. As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained, and that deity worship is perfectly done. Then Krishna will give us all protection. Neglecting the principles means neglecting Krishna's order. So you are one of the chief men of this Institution, kindly maintain your behavior to the standard so that others will follow and the whole thing may go on nicely. It was said about Lord Caitanya: APANI ACARI PRABHU JIVERE SIKHAYA, that is, He personally used to practice Himself the injunctions and then He used to teach others. That is our principle: Unless one is perfectly behaved person, he cannot teach others. My only request is that all the GBC members should be strictly to the standard of life, and see that others are also following them. Then our centers will be well-managed. Kindly do that and advise your co-workers to do that. Thank you for your invitation; this time when I shall come to your country I shall certainly go there to New Vrindaban. Regarding your payment for deities, I had asked you for $400, so you have paid $200 and mention that balance is $100. Did you pay already $100 before? If not, the balance remains $200. I am especially pleased that you are compiling booklets for ISKCON Press. Yes, that is their best work: small booklets and pamphlets. Leave the big books to Dai Nippon. Meanwhile, Syamasundara. has collected many tapes of me lecturing in Africa and India, and he is sending them to Jaya Advaita for transcribing. He shall request Jayadvaita to make one copy of each for sending to you also, and also one copy for the Krishna Radio Show in Los Angeles. A few days back we have purchased a large 20,000 sq. yd. plot of land in the wealthy and most beautiful neighborhood of Bombay, and I have called Brahmananda here from Africa to work with the others to raise up our first Hare Krishna City, with very nice temple and skyscraper apartments. In March, upon returning from Mayapur, I shall lay the cornerstone and the work will begin. We have collected sufficient funds to begin the work, and the rest will not be difficult to get. Part of the space will be used for a school and college of this Krishna Consciousness, especially to attract the bright young Indian boys and girls, so I think that you shall have to come here in future to take charge of such institution of learning, either in Bombay or in Mayapur. I Hope this will meet you in good health and happy mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami n.b. I have read your Cow Protection Report, and I am very much encouraged, especially by your proposal to supply our centers with ghee. This should be done, and you can take money. Now I wish to donate 5 cows, so kindly send me the cost of 5 cows and I will send you check. Labels: Mayapur, printing, regulative principles letters | 02:18 |12 February 2007 Saturday, 12 February, 1972 Madras My dear Govinda dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated January 16 and January 23, 1972, and it is with great pleasure that I remember you and your good husband by reading them and seeing the nice work you are doing in the New Navadvipa News and other pamphlets. I am very sorry to hear about your demoniac neighbor cutting down many tulasi plants, but do not worry, he shall get his due punishment in time, rest assured. Simply go on in the normal way, and gradually his threat will disappear. Such men should be taken and beaten very hard with shoes--but it will not be very much to our credit if we are accused of fighting in this way. But if that man is caught trespassing on our property, then he may be severely punished by us. You can put up barbed-wire fence around the tulasi plants if that will help, or somehow or other protect them from further danger. Our experience has been that if we ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away. When I shall come there you can make extensive preparations for my speaking, etc., by advertising and propaganda, even more than this Cinmayananda Swami. My work is to preach, so you can prepare many very nice speaking engagements, especially to the intelligent class of men and the hippies. I am especially appreciating the writings of Siddhasvarupa in the New Navadvipa News and Open Letter pamphlets, like 'Die Hippy, Die!' and these articles should be published in our Back to Godhead magazine and distributed very widely. Regarding the Panca-tattva deities, the pictures you have sent are very nice. Because they live in Bengal, dhoti, shirt and chaddar are the standard dress, and if they are dressed in this style with different colors, that is nice. They should normally always be dressed in dhoti, but if occasionally you dress them in skirt-dress outfit, that can be also. They may all five wear jewellery, why not? Doctors give medicine and they speak surety, but there is no surety, and when there is no surety why should we break our four basic principles? I don't think there is guarantee of surety by taking this medicine with animal products. But if there is surety, you can take. But it is very doubtful. When I shall come there I shall see what is wrong. Regarding that man Cinmayananda, he's a sinful man, I know him, at least sinful according to our four principles. He as been lecturing for 20 years, still his asrama stands vacant. Unless one's life is made up, what this lecturing will do? So far your other letter, devotion does not depend on the body, and in spite of all difficulties we can chant, so long we have got the tongue--and even we have got no tongue we can chant in our mind. So where is the question of not serving with devotion? On the contrary, I consider that you and your good husband, Gaurasundara, are two of my topmost disciples and the work you are doing greatly encourages and pleases me, therefore do not think that because you are sometimes sick or weak that you are not making any advancement and that you are disappointing me, no. I am always thinking upon you both, that Krishna will give you His all blessings. Simply if you are able always to chant Hare Krishna, that is the same as following all other regulative principles. I shall be very glad to see you both again, but my program shall be delayed for about one month as I have just purchased for a very good price one large 20,000 sq. yard plot in Juhu, the wealthiest and most beautiful section of Bombay, very much like your Hawaii, and in the month of March I shall be lecturing there on the site in our pandal, in order to supervise the construction of our first Hare Krishna City. I shall inform you more when we next meet. Hope this will meet you both in good health and cheerful mood, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: chanting, deities, tulasi letters | 22:25 | |
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