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Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 1 September 2007 Friday, 1 September, 1972 New Vrindaban My dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your telegram as follows: "Bharatpur Trust will donate Kesighat Temple will sell surrounding rooms and garden we must offer price wire immediately." So I have received this telegram and have replied by telegram as follows: "Why not donate the whole thing and we spend money to make super gorgeous. Otherwise how we can offer without knowing details and site plan of temple? Rush them New Vrindaban." So the thing is if I do not know how much land is there, what is the condition, what is the price, what are the terms, how I can make concrete offer? That is not good businesses. So you can send me immediately everything, the site plan, what are the exact terms of the contract, etc., then we shall see. I think that is a very grand temple, and we shall be able to utilize it if the other party is willing to help us. But why they cannot donate the whole thing and we shall spend our money to make it very wonderfully done up and renovated? I think their plan may be to give us the temple only, because that cannot be sold, and no one can maintain it any more, and then we shall have to buy the residential buildings, the compound all the other buildings there, and that is their trick to get money for those buildings, by so-called offering us the temple without having to pay anything for it, because they cannot sell it anyway. So Bhavananda is coming there in a few days, and Tamala Krishna is coming with one engineer, so conjointly you three men consider everything with these points in mind and do the needful. If you all three big men think that it is a good bargain, then you may offer as you think best, but consulting with me first. But one thing is, what we shall do with the land in Raman Reti? How to utilize it if we purchase the Kesighat temple? I am remaining in New Vrindaban at least until 8th September, after that you may write me in Los Angeles. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 15:47 | 31 August 2007 31 August, 1972 Los Angeles Bombay [To Giriraja] WHY DO YOU SAY CONVEYANCE IMPOSSIBLE. EVERYTHING CLEAR IN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE. CONVEYANCE TO BE EXECUTED IMMEDIATELY ACCORDING TO TERMS OF AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE. --BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI letters | 15:47 | 29 August 2007 29 August, 1972 Los Angeles Dear Niranjana, Please accept my blessings. Thank you very much for your letter dated August 17, 1972, and I thank you very much for your kind words. I am happy to hear that you are beginning your translation work and you are translating Sri Gurvastkam presently. You have completed your examinations well, so Krishna has blessed you with good intelligence, now employ that gift by Krishna by serving Him only, then your life will be complete and you will be always really happy. If you are always remembering Him by your activities and seeing Krishna everywhere, even in the heart of the demonic persons, then anger will never overcome you, being purified of all false pride. But occasionally if there is good reason, you may have to become angry just to chastise the evil-doers and blasphemers. We have seen that Lord Caitanya once nearly killed Jagai and Madhai for their offenses to His devotee, so, like that, if there is offensive behavior to the pure devotees you may become like Nrsimhadeva and punish them severely. I am coming to India by middle of October, to Vrindaban, so it is likely you can see me there, as I shall remain there one month. Meanwhile, hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 15:46 | 28 August 2007 Monday, 28 August, 1972 Los Angeles My Dear Son, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Sivananda I have gladly consented to accept you as my duly initiated disciple. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent by separate post. I have given you the spiritual name of Prthu dasa Brahmacari. King Prthu was the ideal ruler of the citizens, so you should also set the example of ideal person and spread this ideal very widely to all the citizens of your country. I can understand that you are a very sincere boy and are very eligible candidate for going back to Home, back to Godhead. And the process is simple. follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life and in the end reach the supreme destination. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: Heidelberg, initiation letters | 15:46 |28 August, 1972 Los Angeles [To Bhavananda - Test missing] My special blessings for Palika and Kausalya prabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting for the next life. Thank them very much on my behalf. letters | 15:45 | 27 August 2007 27 August, 1972 Los Angeles Bombay [To Giriraja] HAS CONVEYANCE DEED BEEN SIGNED. IF NOT FINISH IMMEDIATELY AND WIRE DETAILS --BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI letters | 15:43 | 27 August, 1972 India Society for Krishna Consciousness, establishing various centres all over the world to propagate Krishna Consciousness, and the Leasor being the major Sevait of Radha Damodara Temple and being of religious bent or mind, inherently as Sevait and Devotee of Lord Krishna, both the Leasee and the Leasor have with open heart agreed to the following terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement as follows: (1) The Lease Agreement is for the part of the Temple covered by the renovated house as in the plan annexed hereto for the purpose of occupation by the Leasee: (2) The Lease-period shall be for a duration of 25 (Twenty-five) with option to renew by mutual consent: (3) The Leasee will pay Rs. 200/= (Rupees two-hundred) per month inclusive of all taxes and rates such as water, house, etc., whatsoever, and the mode of payment shall be by monthly cash-pay order through the Punjab National Bank at Vrindaban by the first week every month for the Seva Puja at Sri Sri radha Damodara Temple. A copy of the letter showing cash order of the Punjab National Bank is annexed herewith: (4) The half-finished renovation work still to be done must be completed immediately by the Leasor Sri Madan Mohan Goswami: (5) The Leasor will deliver immediate vacant possession of the whole building: (6) As personal respect for the Leasor Sri Madan Mohan Goswami, the Leasee will always receive him or his son only as quest at any time he or his son may visit Vrindaban, and either of them will be offered one room for his comfortable stay as long as he likes and while staying as guest he would be supplied with boarding and lodging free of all charges: (7) After three years of practical experience, if the Leasee....................... or the Leasor feels any inconvenience, then either of them will be at liberty to cancel this Lease Agreement by serving six month calendar clear notice: (8) If the Lease Agreement is however cancelled as it is mentioned in clause (7) then the Leasee notwithstanding will continue to occupy the two rooms nos. ... and ... as marked in the site-plan and will pay rent as usual Rupees five Only per month as at present. In witness whereof the Leasor in token of leasing out the house, and the Leasee in token of accepting the terms of the Lease Agreement and after fully understanding the import and implications of the Deed of Lease Agreement affix their respective seals and signatures to the Deed at Vrindaban on the day, month and year aforementioned. Details of the house situated at Radha-Damodara Temple, Sevakunj, Vrindaban, District of Mathura, U.P. Length from East to West: Length from North to South: Boundary, etc. Madan Mohan Goswami A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Details of the house situated at Radha-Damodara Temple, Sevakunj, Vrindaban, District of Mathura, U.P.: Length from East to West: Length from North to South: Boundary, etc. *If this Lease-agreement is however cancelled as it is mentioned in clause no (7) then the Leasee notwithstanding will continue to occupy the two rooms nos .. and .. as marked in the site-plan and will pay rent as usual rupees five per month as at present. Labels: land, legal, Vrindavan letters | 05:44 |26 August 2007 Saturday, 26 August, 1972 Los Angeles VYASAPUJA REPLY: My dear beloved Children, Please accept my blessings. I am so much pleased with your kind and affectionate words on the occasion of my birthday anniversary on the Nandotsava day this year (1972). My Guru Maharaja wanted me to spread this Krishna Consciousness Movement in western world, and you are all helping in this great attempt. My Spiritual Master knew it that alone I could not do this great work. Therefore He has very kindly sent you all to help me in this task. I accept you therefore as representatives of my Guru Maharaja playing as my affectionate disciples. It is said that child is father of man. Kindly therefore continue your help in this great task and act as my young father and mother in my old age. I am Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: spiritual master letters | 12:36 |26 August, 1972 Los Angeles My Dear Gaurasundara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 20, 1972, and I am quite surprised to read it. This does not sound like you. All along I have been discouraged in every way by my Godbrothers, but still I have stuck to my duty, keeping my Spiritual Master always in front. Because there is some fighting or bickering amongst us, that does not mean that I should go away. If I have understood the order of my Spiritual Master rightly, then I must perform my duty under any circumstances and never one think of going away under disgust. I have appointed you to be my GBC representative in South America because I think that you are very much responsible and capable to do it, and I am very fond of you and your good wife Govinda dasi for helping me all along. So do not be disturbed or worried by some small thing, rumor, or misunderstanding. There is no plot amongst our so-called big men against you or Siddha-swarup Ananda. That is childish. Where have you got this idea to retire and simply translate books? That is not in our line. My Spiritual Master has given me the instruction to spread this movement all over the world and you are my good disciples, are helping me do this. Without your good help I could not have done anything, so practically you can take all the credit for spreading this Krsna Consciousness movement and fulfilling the prophecy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If there is some incident and I claim that no one is cooperating with me or no one will work with me, that is my defect, not theirs. The Vaisnava devotee must think like this. We should not find fault with others and criticize and go away, that is not the Vaisnava way. Better we should always be willing to offer all respects to others and consider them as our superiors always. I have requested Siddhasvarupa Ananda to meet me in Los Angeles, but if he is not able to then I am coming to Hawaii soon on my way to India and I can meet him there and take him with me to India. Meanwhile, do not be disturbed. Everything is alright. If I cannot rely on you to assist me in the GBC position, who can I rely on? So I beg you to reassure me that you will continue to help me in this way, and do not become withdrawn from your active role. Kindly relieve me of this great anxiety. I want to retire now and simply concentrate on translating work, but how can I do it if I cannot give over the management of my society to you all my advanced senior disciples? If one moment you are willing and the next moment there is some small disagreement and immediately you all go away, how can I be calm in my mind? I am going to India by first week of October and I shall stop over one night in Honolulu en route and we can discuss the matter further at that time. Meanwhile, hoping this meets you in good health, [PAGE MISSING] Labels: difficulties, disagreement, GBC, Hawaii letters | 12:35 |26 August, 1972 Los Angeles My Dear Madhavananda, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated August 15th and have noted the contents carefully. I have also looked at the article in Kothari Magazine and it is done very nicely. Thank you very much. I am encouraged to hear that the collecting is going very nicely under your supervision and that you have made 33 Life Members there in Calcutta more. But we shall require huge funds to finish our Mayapur Project, at least Rs./60,000 per month must be collected there, along with donations of kind, such as steel, etc. So if you can assist Jayapataka and the others in this way that is very much appreciated. One thing is if the Calcutta festival is held at least 50 men must be there and do it very nicely. How many men will be there? On the dates that you mention, namely, October 27th to November 5th, I shall be in Vrndavana. You must all jointly make these decisions about my program there, not that whimsically one man shall decide one thing another man shall decide another thing. So unless Tamala Krsna and the others agree then I will not be able to attend on the dates you have mentioned. Anyway I shall be in Vrndavana at that time. But after the 15th November, leaving this time, and consulting with the leaders, then a suitable program may be fixed for Calcutta. Regarding my Gita Gan, take quotation for printing there also. If it is cheaper why should we go to Dai Nippon? I think Jugantar can do the work, let them do it conveniently. Anyway, somehow or other do it, and you can request Giriraja to send the money from the Book Fund if he approves of everything. You can ask Asokamrta or I think there are some Bengali girls there also, all of them are well educated, they can proofread the manuscript. The Maidan programs in India should be done in consultation with all. We have now got our reputation and we must do everything very carefully to keep it. Same process, four or five or six big men, whatever they think the others must say all right I shall accept. Nothing should be done by personal whims. This should be avoided. Our prestige should be always kept, that means we must be very sincere and serious to execute our work; then it will be all right. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Calcutta, festivals, management, Mayapur letters | 12:34 |26 August, 1972 Los Angeles My Dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I thank you for your letter from Calcutta dated August 19, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. I am very glad to know that the work is going on carefully under your direction and that building will the first class building in all of Nadia Province. Wherever it is possible try to save the construction costs by getting donations. But we must have that building completed at any cost. But if you can raise at least 60,000 rupees per month locally that should be given by the local men without any difficulty. I have received one letter from Madhavananda and he has assured me that the collecting is going on well. He has also mentioned that you are planning your Maidan Pandal from 7th October to November 5th tentatively. But these things must be consulted amongst all of you leaders, not that one man decides these things whimsically. My program is already sent to you earlier, I shall be in Vrndavana from middle October to middle November, but after that time I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni. So far the people asking you what is the actual birth site of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, ask them to go to Tirtha Maharaja. We do not bother about these things. He is in charge of the Caitanya Math. We are foreigners and we have come here the last. There are so many other temples before us, why don't they go there for asking. They should inquire from our predecessors like Caitanya Math. This is a long controversial point, do not bother with it. We accept our predecessor's version, that's all. Navadvipa means nine islands or dvipas and the present Navadvipa city is Koladvipa. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: building, Calcutta, Gaudiya Math, Mayapur letters | 12:33 | |
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