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Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 15 September 2007 Friday, 15 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge your letter from Vrndavana dated September 3, 1972, with the letter from Mr. Suri's firm in New Delhi, and I have noted the contents carefully. The first thing is to develop our own place. There we must immediately build a temple. I wanted a temple like Govindaji's, is it so difficult that for the last six months you have consulted so many engineers? Any ordinary engineer can draw up the plans and get it passed. There has been so much unnecessary correspondence. We have sent two sets of plans, how is it that all the plans are being lost and you have not received them? So we cannot divert our attention further, but if they donate then we can spend very elaborately to renovate those temple. As for purchasing Kesighat Temple, we can see later on, we have to see to our own plot first. One thing is, are there any tenants in these temples? If so there is no question of purchase as there will be long process of litigation to remove them. King should donate to brahmanas. We are a society of brahmanas, therefore the king should donate us those temples and we shall keep them in his name, and we shall renovate them and make them very gorgeous for the foreign tourists. And they will appreciate the contribution of the king of Bharatapur and will perpetuate his memory. If the 25 lacs which the king proposes is spent for renovation and making the places very nice, that is better. We will spend at least 10 lacs for renovating all these places up to date. We shall everywhere advertise that it is the king of Bharatapur. We are prepared to make a formal agreement that we shall spend a minimum of 10 lacs for renovating, if he will donate. And if we get that land, we can cultivate agriculture. So approach him yourself immediately and ask him to donate. We will occupy immediately and renovate and fill the places with foreign tourists. I shall be coming to Vrndavana by 15 October so let me know what are the arrangements in Vrndavana and also at Delhi festival. I have written to Tejiyas one letter, and you may see it, regarding the proposal for Delhi Pandal. Many other of my disciples from U.S.A. will be coming to Vrndavana also, so you may expect to accommodate many devotees there in Radha-Damodara Temple and if there is not sufficient room then you should find other accommodations also. Kindly keep me informed regularly. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: brahmanas, building, itinerary, land, Vrindavan letters | 13:07 |15 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Gargamuni, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter from Calcutta dated September 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. Yes, you wait there for me and be engaged as you are doing, chanting, reading, etc. Nobody is your enemy, rest assured. All of your godbrothers are as good as you are. So you remain peacefully in Calcutta and you shall remain with me when I come there, and nobody will disturb you. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda N.B. It may be that on my way to India, I may drop at South Africa where Rsi Kumar Goswami is working. If I go there, I may call you in South Africa which is reported to be very very prospective. Labels: Calcutta, difficulties, itinerary letters | 13:06 |15 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Sudevi Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I am in receipt of your letter dated September 8, 1972, and have noted the contents therein. Marriage between husband and wife means that the husband must forever be responsible for the wife's well-being and protection in all cases. That does not mean that now there is agreement between us, therefore I am responsible, but as soon as there is some disagreement then I immediately flee the scene and become so-called renounced. Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life. And you also must agree to serve him under all circumstances and assist him in every way so that he may make advancement in Krsna Consciousness. By his making advancement in Krsna Consciousness, automatically the wife will make advancement in the husband's footsteps. But if you do not assist him and be very obedient to his welfare, then he may become disgusted and go away. So there must be mutual responsibility by both parties, and now that you are married couple there is no question of your separation, but you must both strive very hard to serve Krsna together in harmony. What are these nonsense emotions that cause you to go this way and that way, the real thing is your duty. Now you are married couple, you know what your duty is, so best thing is to perform your duty and always think of Krsna. Never mind some temporary inconveniences, we must remain steady in our duty to Krsna. Regarding Siddhasvarupananda, these things which you have heard are simply rumor and there is no substance. Siddhasvarupa does not want to take disciples, neither he should have disciples while I am alive. That is the process. I have never said that Siddhasvarupa is a pure devotee.* That is simply concoction. Now I am going to India in few weeks and I shall stop at Hawaii and take Siddhasvarupananda to India for training him up properly. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami *But every one can become a pure devotee if he has no other desire than to serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master. Labels: Buffalo, husband, marriage, spiritual master, wife letters | 13:05 |15 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Aksojananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11 September, 1972. Upon your recommendation I am very glad to accept Anga das Brahmacari for the second initiation. Enclosed herewith please find one copy of Gayatri mantra and also one sacred thread, duly chanted by me. Now hold a fire yajna, and teach him how to count on the finger divisions, then play the Gayatri mantra tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra through the right ear. Have him repeat along with my vibration, word for word, and then hang the sacred thread on his neck as usual. This Gayatri mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: Amsterdam, initiation letters | 13:04 |15 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Cyavana, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 9, 1972, and have noted the contents carefully. I am glad to note that you are by good diplomacy maintaining our good relationships with all the men who have helped us there in Nairobi. We don't want any disruption. Rsi Kumar is not there now so you do everything nicely and diplomatically. Brahmananda Swami is there, GBC man, so you consult with him and do everything diplomatically. On the whole, they should not be given any power unless they are my initiated disciples, but try to keep them as consultants. It is not that we should stop our relationship and not remain on speaking terms any more but try to keep everyone as our friend and engage them in Krsna Consciousness somehow or other. Enclosed please find the copy of Mr. Shah's letter, and I have accepted his resignation. I have several items told you to pay the printer, Mr. D. L. Patel, whatever Harjibhai Patel approves. Why you do not settle this business and go forward? Whatever Mr. Harajibhai Patel considers should be fair price for the printing work, that much we will pay immediately and be finished with the business. The boy Sharma from Bombay may come there to join you if you want him. By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence. Gradually you will recruit men locally and they will be able to share the responsibilities. Our process is slow but sure, not that we must do everything immediately and then later on regret it. Many of our big centers started with only a handful of men and because they were determined to expand by recruiting the local men, that has been their success. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: disagreement, Nairobi letters | 13:03 |14 September 2007 Thursday, 14 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Hamsaduta, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated August 11 and Sept. 2, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am very glad to hear that you have conducted one nice parade and festival through the city streets of Hamburg. Yes the German people, they like to hear philosophy, so if you can arrange some philosophers' meeting we can come. I have read your account of the incidents of fighting with the hoodlums with great concern. After all, this world is full of darkness and controlled by the demons, so difficulties are there certainly. But if we stick to the lotus feet of Krsna, these difficulties will be over, just like a child jumps over the pit caused by the hoof of a calf. Krsna fought with so many demons so fighting is not prohibited if it is for the good cause. But one thing is, these are young boys, so actually if you approach them humbly and you yourself go to their leaders and speak to them nicely about Krsna Consciousness they will agree to leave us alone, that I think. But if you make big armed confrontation and show of strength there will be continuous fighting more and more. Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once and reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam and other nice gifts and giving them our philosophy, and if they are willing to hear it, also teach them how to chant Hare Krsna mantra. These are innocent young boys, they are simply misled, so you go to them and give them the right information and then you will have nothing more to fear from them. But if you think buying a shotgun is necessary, that is all right, we have to defend Krsna's temple if it comes to it. I understand that you are having one book festival in Frankfurt this month, and I think Karandhara is coming there to assist you, so try to make our display and exhibition very prominent, and if they will allow us to have kirtana or distribute prasadam, we may also do that. That is a very important occasion so try to make the best utility of it and make our books very widely distributed all over Europe and other places. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami N.B. What news of Mandali Bhadra? ACBS/sda Labels: book distribution, difficulties, Hamburg letters | 13:03 |13 September 2007 Wednesday, 13 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Atreya Rsi, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated September 5, 1972, duly delivered to me by hand of Syamasundara, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding your questions, Seva Puja* means only for daily worship of deities. The building fund will construct, the book fund will maintain, and this fund is for daily expenditure of Seva Puja or worship of the deities only. So far your administrative duties as secretary of Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust Fund are concerned, that will be informed by you. For the time being, rents should be collected by Karandhara and sent to India. How it will be done I shall think over and let you know. As for the responsibility for proper spending, the man in charge or the president will be responsible in Mayapur and Vrndavana. Regarding my personal servant, I have taken one boy, Srutakirti, as my personal servant and Nanda Kumar has remained in New Vrndavana with Kirtanananda Maharaja. Now we have got a very big task before us to purchase the skyscraper building on 40th Street. So I am entrusting that you and Bali Mardan and the other big leaders there in New York will be able to do it. Cooperate amongst yourselves and try to raise the funds very scrupulously and if you remain serious and sincere in your efforts to get this wonderful building for Krsna, He will give you all help and guidance how to do it, without any doubt. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami * The Secretary may secure food grains and powder milk from U.S.A Government for distribution to the poor people in India for expanding Seva-Puja department in the matter of Prasad distribution. ACB Labels: deities, M-V Trust, New York letters | 13:02 |13 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Upendra, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated Wednesday, 6th September, 1972. I am very glad to hear that you and your good wife want to go to Perth, Australia, for opening one ISKCON center. There is no doubt about it that I shall sanction your endeavor in this respect. I am always praying that my disciples will gradually increase our war against maya on all fronts. But I do not think it is necessary to take money from Karandhara for opening that center. From our experience we have found it is always in the long run more stable and better situation if local people can be persuaded to help from the very beginning. So you may solicit money from them in small amounts and gradually collect in that way enough to open a center in involve or engage all of the local people from the very beginning. You are the pioneer in Australia so I shall expect the Perth center to be first class in every way, and next year when I return from India I have been invited to Djakarta and New Zealand so I shall be very glad to stop at Perth, Australia, also and see you then. Hoping this meets you and your good wife Citralekha Dasi in the best of health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 13:01 | 13 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Citsukhananda, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter from Mexico City dated September 8, 1972, and have noted the contents. I would have liked to go to Mexico City but I have already gone this year and too much traveling now for me is a strain. Therefore I am going directly from Los Angeles to India, but when I return next year then I shall certainly come again to Mexico and visit all of my nice disciples there. Regarding the new altar, Sri Guru and Gauranga altar would be appropriate. If you are able to make that show in the theater for the public of our kirtana and aratrika, etc., that will be very very nice. And I am very much pleased to hear that you have purchased some land for asrama and that you will be having cows there on six acres. I shall be anxious to see that place when I come back from India. Meanwhile, hoping this meets you all in best of health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: itinerary, Mexico City letters | 13:00 |13 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Amogha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter from Djakarta dated August 29, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I have also recently received one letter from the Djakarta Krsna Consciousness club and it is very nicely offering respects on Vyasa Puja occasion. I have replied them duly. I am very glad to hear that your mission is resumed in Indonesia and that you are taking up this work again with full enthusiasm. And the response has been very good there. Now go on teaching in this school and distributing our literatures more and more, and try to recruit some local men for becoming our disciples and helping you there. For relying upon devotees from outside to come there is not very practical business. It is better to recruit some local men and train them to do the work. But I think Madhudvisa can supply you with one or two men conveniently, you may request him this. Regarding my coming there, I do not think it will be possible to stop on that side when I return to India this time, but when I shall return next year I shall be very happy to stop in Djakarta and see how the things are going on. Now you are working very seriously and sincerely for Krsna, and you have taken great risk and courage to work in far off place on His behalf, so you may expect that He is giving you His all blessings at every turn and will continue to fix you up in the bliss of His devotional service more and more. Hoping this meets you and your good wife Rasarani dasi in the best of health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Australasia, preachers letters | 12:59 |13 September, 1972 Los Angeles My dear Yadubara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 28, 1972, and I have appreciated the contents carefully. I am glad to hear that all the departments of business are going on successfully, now I am anxious to hear if the conveyance deed has been signed and what are the contents. Kindly send me the copy duly signed as quickly as possible. this will give me great relief. As soon as the conveyance has been signed you may begin the building work immediately. I am coming to India soon, at east by October, and I want to see that the building projects in Bombay, Mayapur and Vrndavana are going on nicely. This Bombay project is one of our most important projects in the whole world and I am looking to you and the others there in Bombay to see that it is done very magnificently. I have been very much encouraged to see some advertisement booklet printed by Air India wherein the theme is exclusively dedicated to Krsna and Vrndavana. With this idea the Air India Company is enticing tourists to come to India simply to experience the spiritual life around Krsna. So in future I expect that our Bombay project will be one of the most important show-pieces in the world for foreign tourists to actually come and get actual experience of Krsna Consciousness or the real Vedic culture. So with this idea in mind work very vigorously and with renewed spirit to do the work very gorgeously and raise up first our temple and later on the apartment houses as you have planned. One thing is, I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Chowpatty and send to Dallas school as soon a possible. Ask them if they will donate, but if they will not donate then purchase outright minimum fifty copies of the first grammar or primary book for learning Sanskrit at earliest age. Another thing is, I have got one letter recently from Mahamsa requesting to change his position, but you can tell him to kindly wait until I come there. Then we shall see. Also I have heard from Karandhara that Giriraja wants to give up his position as president at Bombay and that you will take charge of Bombay center. Similarly, I have sent him one telegram requesting to wait until I come there, then we shall make all arrangements. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Bombay, building, gurukula, land, management letters | 12:58 |12 September 2007 12 September, 1972 Dallas BOMBAY SETTLE LAND IMMEDIATELY AT BEST PRICE POSSIBLE. NAIR PROMISED TO PAY. IF HE WON'T WE CAN PAY. SUGGEST 15000. DON'T CHANGE PRESIDENCY UNTIL I COME. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI Labels: Bombay letters | 12:58 |10 September 2007 Sunday, 10 September, 1972 Dallas My dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated August 20, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am very happy to hear that you are having nice programs in Vrindaban of kirtana and lecturing in various places. That will make us well-known in those parts and respected by everyone. I am glad to hear also that you have made my rooms very nicely painted and cleansed. Now I shall be coming there by early October and I want to stay in those rooms, so you may prepare them for me very nicely and decorate with flowers, etc. I think that Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, and Subala have returned to Vrindaban for assisting Gurudasa in the construction work and for helping Tejiyas to organize the Delhi Pandal program, so you may host them very nicely and see to their all comforts and facilities for swiftly working on these programs. I have sent up two sets of Saurabha's plans to Gurudasa in Vrindaban. Did he get them? Either one of these plans is just suitable for our purpose, so you may get them approved immediately and begin the work. I want to see something tangible by the time I reach. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: building, sankirtan, Vrindavan letters | 12:57 |10 September, 1972 Dallas My Dear Caru, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 31, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. Now regarding this business of Sankirtana, the solution is simply to go on with Sankirtana activities as you have been doing, and let them arrest us if they like, we will not stop. Just like in London, they became arrested so many times and there was so much public display of arresting that gradually the police stopped arresting and now they have Sankirtana anywhere they like without any botheration. If we take this case into court and spend so much money for big big lawyers, and still if we do not win, then they have got legal right to stop us. So better to forget this business of lawyers and judges and simply go on with Sankirtana. That is Civil disobedience movement. Let them fill their jails with us again and again, but we shall not stop our Sankirtana movement. Also it may help if you get some public sympathy through publicizing our constant persecution in the newspaper journals. Gradually the city officials and constabulary will become embarrassed to arrest us further and gradually we will be allowed to carry on our Sankirtana unhampered. But I do not think this business of expensive lawyers and going to court will solve anything, better to simply become determined to hold our Sankirtana in our own manner as we like, and simply depend upon Krsna and His protection at all times. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. There is no difference between our chanting on the street or in temple or in jail. A Krishna Conscious person is not afraid of any place, but he wants to chant constantly in all circumstances. letters | 12:56 | 10 September, 1972 Dallas My dear Rsabhadeva, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter from Berkeley, dated August 28, 1972, and I thank you very much for your kind sentiments. I am very happy to hear that you have got a son for dedicating for Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement. Yes, his name of Gauranga das is very nice and I have no objection for calling him like that. Now we are at the Dallas school and it is very nice place and just suitable for educating your son here when he becomes old enough, at least four or five years old. Now give him all facilities to become conscious of Krsna from very birth, and this will be the greatest service for Krsna if you can deliver Him one pure devotee. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Berkeley, children, gurukula letters | 12:55 |10 September, 1972 Dallas My Dear Madhudvisa, Please accept my blessings. Regarding the recommendation for Ambika dasi to take second initiation from me, yes, you may give her. Enclosed find one copy of Gayatri mantra. Now hold a yajna, teach her how to count on the finger divisions, then play the Gayatri mantra tape through the right ear. Have her repeat along with my vibration word by word and then give her Gayatri mantra as usual. This Gayatri mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: initiation letters | 12:54 |9 September 2007 Saturday, 9 September, 1972 Dallas My Dear Tejiayas, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of you letter from Vrndavana dated first September, 1972, and I have appreciated the contents with great care. I am especially encouraged that you are planning another wonderful festival of Hare Krsna festival in Delhi, and that you are trying to get again the LIC grounds. Then it will be first class. One thing is, Tamala Krsna has invited me to come to Hyderabad starting 17th November, and I have accepted his invitation. So I think you may begin the Delhi festival from 5th November and it must be finished by the 16th November, and then I can fly to Hyderabad on 17th as agreed with Tamala Krsna. Anyway, you consult with Tamala Krsna and Gurudasa and make the program accordingly. I am coming to Vrindaban by 15th October, and it is not necessary for me to stay the full month. I may stay up until the 6th and then go to Delhi for our pandal program there and then by the 17th fly to Hyderabad. So arrange in that way. I have come to Dallas and it is very hot here, just like Calcutta. So you may see the factory of Hansraj Gupta and ask him to donate one dozen nice fans for our Dallas Center. But whether they have got fans to operate on the 110 AC voltage in America? Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:sda Labels: festivals, New Delhi, Vrindavan letters | 19:31 |9 September, 1972 Dallas My Dear Krsna das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter from Fresno dated September 6, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. You may know it that I am eternally your guide, but if you don't accept me as your guide what can I do? Unfortunately, if my disciples do not take my guidance, what can I do? By bad association it so happens, so I remain silent. I see the pricks of maya. When you went to Europe last time, I was hopeful that you would organize in Sweden. You have got the capacity to do that, you are one of my old disciples and you have proven your abilities to organize things very nicely. You went to Germany and organized very nicely. I know you have got that capacity. Why you have come back? You could have organized Sweden very gorgeously. You are very intelligent and also your wife is intelligent. Formally you were alone, now you are assisted by your good wife. Husband and wife equal double strength. You can do nicely anywhere. You know very well how Gurudasa, Mukunda, and Syamasundara. organized the London center with great labor and hardship and now it is one of the first class temples. Syamasundara induced George Harrison to cooperate with us and he paid us nineteen-thousand dollars for Krsna Book. So there are so many works, if someone wants to work there are so many things. So eternally I want to remain your guide provided you want to accept me. You mentioned that your pathway has become filled with stumbling blocks, but there are no stumbling blocks, I can kick out all those stumbling blocks immediately, provided you accept my guidance. With one stroke of my kick I can kick out all stumbling blocks. You are always welcome. All of your doubts will be cleared up either personally face-to-face or by correspondence with me. I am gong to Los Angeles, you can come to live with me and all your doubts will erased. In the beginning there were no doubts, but by bad association you have now got doubts. Regarding your questions you say that amongst the elder disciples there are still symptoms of greed, anger, strife, bickering, etc., but you are one of them. You are one of the old students, so you fall in that group. So the fighting is among that group, but not amongst the real workers. There was fighting amongst the gopis also, so we cannot expect there will be some utopia without fighting, there is even in the spiritual sky transcendental greed, lust, envy, like that. But that is transcendental. Hamsaduta is maintaining his position of service, so why, even if a little fighting, you should go away? We should never give up our duty. My godbrothers always discouraged me but I did not give up, I am doing my duty and always keeping my spiritual master in front. Even there is some difficulty or hardship, or even my godbrothers may not cooperate or there may be fighting, still, I must perform my duty to my spiritual master and not become discouraged and go away, that is my weakness. As for the second question I do not know what you mean by this statement, but we accept Jesus Christ as a very good son of God. So far His preaching is concerned, that was with reference to the people amongst whom He preached. Just like "Thou shalt not kill." That means they were accustomed to killing. So you can just imagine what class of men they were. It is simply a difference of mode of teaching, that is all. But we accept Him as the son of God, and He talked about God consciousness. That much we accept. So far the audience is concerned, it is a proof they are not very elevated, otherwise how they could kill Jesus Christ? That means they are not very enlightened. Now we have gone to Dallas where I am visiting in the Gurukula school. It is very first class school and church and I think it is better than Los Angeles Temple. We have got very many children here and I am teaching the way how to give them instruction in Krsna consciousness. It is the first class place to send your son when he is old enough to come here. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACB/sda Labels: difficulties, disagreement, gurukula, spiritual master letters | 19:30 |9 September, 1972 Dallas My Dear Bhakta das, Mahamaya, Rasamanjari, Ksirodakasayi, Kirti ma dasi, Caturbhuja, Karanadakasayi, Sandipani, Satadhanya das, Jayadeva, Nityananda and ISKCON New Orleans, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birthday, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krishna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. ACBS/sda letters | 19:28 | |
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