Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
a.c. bhaktivedanta swami

21 July 2007
Friday, 21 July, 1972  


My dear Govardhan,

Please accept my blessings.

Upon the recommendation of Sriman Bhagavan das, I have consented to accept as my duly initiated disciples both Srimati Jayaradhe Devi Dasi and Srimati Krsnamayi Devi Dasi, and I have also consented to give Gayatri mantra to Srimati Trisakti Devi Dasi and Srimati Krpamayi Devi Dasi.

Enclosed please find two copies of gayatri mantra. The beads have been sent under separate post. Now you can hold a fire yajna for all four students, and give Gayatri mantra to Trisakti and Krpamayi. There is a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra there in Detroit, so you can play it for these two girls, through earphones into the right ear.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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letters | 20:43 |

21 July, 1972  


To the Manager
Great Western Savings and Loan Association
Fairfax Branch
Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles, California

Dear Sir,

r.e. My Fixed Deposit Account #6004600

I beg to inform you that I am purchasing one house at Venice Boulevard and I have to pay $63,500 on or before the 25th August, 1972. Kindly therefore transfer $20,000 to my checking account in the Bank of America branch #308 in favor of my account #3081-61625.

The fixed deposit receipt is laying in the safe deposit box #361 in your bank. If it is necessary to present this document then I shall instruct my representative in Los Angeles to go to you with the key and he will deliver the receipt.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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letters | 20:43 |

19 July 2007
Wednesday, 19 July, 1972  


My dear Navina,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil, and I have noted the contents.

Regarding your question, what is the position of the women in Krishna Consciousness Movement, we are not responsible for marriages.

If you want to get married at your own risk, that is all right, you can get married by the state service and the husband must take full responsibility for living outside the temple and earning money for supporting wife and children. If you have a child and you are not married, still, having child is the same as being married, so there is no more marriage.

Marriage is not for sense gratification, not that we get married twice, thrice in a year. No, if you have got a child there is no need for more marriages. But if you cannot stay in Krishna Consciousness unless you have got a husband, that is all right, but the responsibility is not ours for your maintenance or other things, so if you want to get married both you and your husband must make your own arrangements.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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letters | 20:42 |

19 July, 1972  


My dear Karandhara,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 7/13/72, and I have noted the contents.

I have already sent you one telegram "OK SEND KRSNA BOOKS," so by now I think you have duly forwarded the $10,000 as per Bhavananda's instructions. From now on, I am insisting there be at least two signatures.

I do not understand all of the points about purchasing the apartment house, whether I shall be required to sign anything or what. So you may explain in detail what is to be done. As for the payment, we shall not need to cash the bonds, we can manage in other ways to pay the $63,500. I understand that we must pay the full amount cash by August 25, 1972.

As for Dayananda, I am enclosing the letter to him, so you may kindly forward to him.

We have celebrated a very, very nice Rathayatra festival here in London, and in the Trafalgar Square itself I initiated nearly 30 new devotees with fire yajna before 25,000 persons, mostly Englishmen.

All in all, it was the best Rathayatra we have seen to date. I have not heard anything from you about Rathayatra in San Francisco.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


nb. We are leaving for Paris tomorrow, so you may reply me there until the 28th.

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letters | 20:41 |

17 July 2007
17 July, 1972  


[To Karandhara]


letters | 20:40 |

16 July 2007
Sunday, 16 July, 1972  


My Dear Mahatma,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of July 6, 1972, and I have noted the contents.

If you have taken a wife for grhastha life, why are you neglecting? That is not Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he is very much responsible, and if he is householder, then he must be responsible.

I cannot give sannyasa to any devotee who has not proven himself to be responsible in all respects. Better you prove yourself first by being ideal householder and forget all this nonsense.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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letters | 20:40 |

15 July 2007
Saturday, 15 July, 1972  


My dear Acyutananda,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 7, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully.

Regarding the songs by Jayadeva, Srita Kamala is not approved. Sometimes our Krsnadasa Babaji sings, but it is not approved by Prabhupada. Those songs are for siddha bhaktas, not for us who are sadha bhaktas or learning bhaktas. Lord Caitanya never divulged in public, he enjoyed them in the company of his selected three or four devotees.

There is one song by Jayadeva, Worshiping the Ten Incarnations, that song is all right. The other songs that you mention are all right.

Regarding the manuscripts, you may photograph all of the pages, then we shall type them later. If there is shortage of film, I have instructed Karandhara to send you a large supply of the appropriate films for photographing the pages. Or you may purchase there and we shall pay from Book Fund. These are important works and they must be preserved forever, so what is that expense?

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. I am not hearing about Mayapur. Please send me reports regularly what is happening there. Where is Tamala K. Goswami. I have not heard from him since longtime. Has he gone to Bangladesh yet? ACB

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letters | 19:25 |

15 July, 1972  


My dear Danavir,

Please accept my blessings. I have recently seen a copy of a letter that Karandhara Prabhu has sent to all Centers regarding payments to the Back to Godhead and Book Funds dated July 9, 1972. Karandhara has informed me that you are apparently an offender in the connection of being tardy in payments to my BTG and Book Fund. This is not good.

We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one of the most important being the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature for the upliftment of mankind. My Guru Maharaja particularly gave me this assignment. Please assist me to your best capacity in this regards.

Karandhara Prabhu is the Treasurer of the BTG and BKF so you may immediately clear your accounts with him, and this will be a serious responsibility upon you.

Hoping this meets you well in Krsna Consciousness.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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