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Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 31 December 2007 Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 contains 637 individual letter reproductions in chronological order from January - December 1972. View them in their entirety in the monthly archive section - 1972 letters - below right. Use Google Custom Search (immediate right) to search for specific letters from 1972. View - Today's Letters - at >> Letters :: Anthology >> letters | 18:50 | Sunday, 31 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Gurudasa and Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. Your letters of December 23, 1972, are in hand, along with the very nice photos of the Vrndaban work, as well as the balance sheet and account of materials and supplies. I am very very pleased to see the photos how the construction is progressing very rapidly under your expert supervision. It appears that at last something is being done solid work. Now you have promised me that it will be completed by Janmastami next, therefore I am completely relying upon you to fulfill your promise to me. Of course you will have to go quickly before the monsoon by June, but I think by that time there will be sufficient roof to keep everything dry from the rains. If you can construct nice temple in Vrndaban for me in this way, I shall be eternally grateful. Because we are world wide movement of Krsna, and if we do not have any nice place at Vrndaban, then what will be the use? Vrndaban is Krsna's land, and in future so many of our disciples will go there just to see, along with many tourists and other friends, so therefore we must have sufficient place for them. That will be our great contribution. Now some of our men have met with the Maharaja of Bharatapur here in Bombay, he sent his men to fetch us, and in a bitter mood he requested us immediately to return his idols of silver Radha and Krsna. So let us return them to him, we do not want any ill feeling to be against us. So you may return those deities to him at earliest opportunity, either at Delhi or at Govardhana. He also has requested his book. I do not know which book that is, but he said that Acyutananda has it and he wants it back without delay, so return him. Regarding the deity at Vrndavana, Malati has just now returned from Jaipur and she has found out one very nice murti of Radha and Krsna more than five feet tall. I want these deities shall be installed in Vrndaban, so Yamuna may make arrangement to go there and see if they are available, what is the cost, and make all program how they shall be transported to Vrndaban, like that. I think these will be just suitable for our Vrndaban temple, and they will save us time also. You may order the Balarama deity to be made also by this Murtiwalla. I think Malati has written you one letter in this connection. And if she gets time, then Yamuna may come also for few days to Bombay pandal, being on this side. I have inspected the trial balance carefully. Of course I do not know what are the prices and so many other things, but I find one discrepancy which you may please make clear to me. The opening bank balance on December 2 is Rs. 7870.50 and for the month of December I find you have deposited twice, on twelfth instant, one sum of Rs. 2630.00 and Rs. 111.00. So the total come to Rs. 10611.50. So far expenditures are there, there is one check drawn on the 5th instant for Rs. 600, one check drawn on the 12th instant for electrical supplies for Rs. 45, one check drawn on the 14th instant for supplies of Rs. 4665.51, and on the 15th instant one check has been drawn for Rs. 3571.26. Subtracting the expenditures of Rs. 8881.77 from the total bank balance including deposits, or Rs. 10611.50, it comes to Rs. 1727.73 as final balance in bank. But you have declared that your figure for final balance in bank is Rs. 1643.79. That means, according to the figures you have given me, there is discrepancy of about Rs. 85.94. Of course there may be some bank charges, like that, I do not know, or you may have omitted some mention of any other check, but you may inform me why our figures have come out differently. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: accounting, building, Vrindavan letters | 07:38 |31 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Revatinandana, Please accept my blessings. Your letter dated December 25, 1972, is in hand and I so much appreciate your nice report about the affairs as you see them in England and Scotland. Yes, I have seen myself that you are perfectly well qualified to defeat all challengers so far our philosophy goes. You are good kirtana man, you can sing and play mrdanga like anything, you are also good cook, you are expert philosopher and preacher, you are in the renounced order of life, having given up all thoughts of wife, family and home, you are determined to assist me by training up so many younger devotees in Krsna consciousness, you have got good ideas how to push on our movement also - in so many ways you are among the best qualified and most appreciated of my disciples. Because you are so much qualified and advanced in Krsna consciousness, therefore Krsna is giving you great strength and pleasure is being derived by you from your working in this way. By this traveling and preaching in the schools, colleges, youth clubs, like that, selling books, this program is very very much appreciated by me, and I think that you are accomplishing more good preaching result than anyone. Yes, let the good men go with you to preach all over England, and the less advanced devotees may stay at the London temple and become trained up to the point of becoming experts and then they also may go out for preaching in traveling party. And I think if you continue as you are doing in this traveling and preaching program in British Isles that very soon the entire population of that place will become our good devotees of Krsna. I am very much pleased upon you for your working and helping me in this way. It is the highest achievement of this human form of activity. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda n.b. Regarding your question about sufferings of master, you can simply ponder over Lord Christ's crucification. Labels: London, preachers, sankirtan letters | 07:37 |31 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Dhananjaya, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 28 December 1972 delivered by Latika from London, and I am very happy to hear of all the good news in English and Scottish temples in general. I have heard also from Revatinandana Svami how the things are going there, and his report is also very much encouraging to me. I am especially glad to note that everyone is feeling so much enthusiasm to work very hard in this preaching mission. That enthusiasm must be maintained under all circumstance. That is our price forentering into Krsna's kingdom. And maya is always trying to take away our enthusiasm to serve Krsna, because without enthusiasm everything else is finished. Therefore Rupa Gosvami has introduced this system of regulative principles which I have taught to you also. These regulative principles, such as rising before 4 a.m. for mangala aratrika, chanting 16 rounds minimum on beads daily, reading books, going for the street sankirtana, preaching to anyone and everyone, offering the prasadam, like that, these principles of devotional service are there to safeguard us from maya's attack by keeping us always enthusiastic. If we strictly observe these principles, we shall remain always enthusiastic. These are the sources and the maintainers of our enthusiasm to serve Krsna. As soon as someone is not following them regularly, it may be certain that his enthusiasm will gradually disappear. Therefore, my request to you is that under any and all circumstances that you yourself shall without fail stick to these principles and make certain that all of the devotees in your charge are also following them strictly. If new students are coming and they want to live with us in the temple, they must agree before living with us to follow these principles without any exception. Otherwise, it is better for them to live outside and attend the class, aratrika, prasadam, like that, and gradually as they become convinced by their intelligence, they will voluntarily agree to perform the austerity or tapasya of living in the temple. But anyone who lives in the temple must follow all these principles without exception, otherwise they may be asked to live outside. Of course we work very very hard just to get someone to come to the platform of devotee of Krsna, so we shall not be too much hasty to drive anyone out. Therefore we may forgive once, twice, but more than that we must take other steps. So if any new candidate for devotee comes forward you may test him very thoroughly to understand from him if he is ready to fully accept our strict standard of temple living. Let him understand that it is not an arbitrary or whimsical decision on our parts to become like military camp, rather we are strictly adhering to our devotional principles only so that we may make advancement in Krsna consciousness and be protected from the attack of maya consciousness. They may be thinking that these people are slaves of their strict principles, but we are thinking that the strict principles are slaves to us. Of course, the devotee is always very liberal-minded and tolerant towards everyone, seeing everyone as the part and parcel of Krsna and the pure devotee of Krsna, only seeing that due to maya they have temporarily forgotten their real position. So a devotee is always very understanding if there is some discrepancy behavior on the part of nondevotees, and even some devotees misbehave, he is always very tolerant and understanding. The point is that no one is actually qualified in this material world to approach Krsna, but if he makes the attempt through our inducing him gradually to give his energy to Krsna, by that attempt Krsna will extend his mercy and deliver the fallen soul despite his so many disqualifications. And such person or aspiring devotee, he is to be considered the most exalted of men because he has given his life to Krsna. bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah "After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders to Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare." [BG 7.19] So you are the leader of London temple, one of the most important temples in the world, so your responsibility is very very immense. But it is also Krsna's blessing upon you. So try to please Him always by understanding the instructions of Krsna as He is giving in Bhagavad-gita, and by that understanding you will be able to manage everything without any difficulty at all. But I think you must be already very much advanced in your understanding of Krsna consciousness, otherwise how so many nice devotees are coming and how there is always such good report from London temple? And I am especially pleased by the newspaper clipping from Edinburgh, they have given very good write-up, just to the points. So far painting of the deity, it will not be necessary to bring Muralidhara from New York just for that purpose. We should not be so hasty to make such drastic programs. Radha and Krsna are transcendental to such artistic work, they do not depend upon our painting of them for their beauty. But they should be painted as nicely as possible if there is at present some deterioration of the painting. But I think someone is there, either in London or some other place in Europe, who can do the work perfectly well. Now our first business in London will be to get that new place. I have been informed from Syamasundara that you are expecting to hear about that Priory at any moment, whether they have accepted our bid or not. But this place or that place, we must get sufficient new place in London to give facility to the preaching work there. I can understand that it is Krsna's desire that we have got that place at Bury Place, it has become world famous due to that location, so try to keep that place also as long as possible. But in order to expand properly all over British Isles we shall require a big big headquarters as you are contemplating. But if there is no solid program for getting the place, simply we are depending upon agents and George to do everything, then we may not be favored by Krsna to get a place very quickly. Better to take the upper hand and begin very energetically attempting to get some place. By our expending energy for Krsna, that is appreciated, not the actual result of our energy. But if there is lack of energy being devoted for some purpose, then everything will be delayed and possibly stopped. Better to seize the iron while the fire is hot, that my Guru Maharaja used to tell me. So George is now convinced of our movement, he will pay, so why the delay and difficulty? I think you should very seriously and with a cool head apply yourself to getting that place or some other place as soon as possible, at least by springtime. Otherwise Krsna may take away this golden opportunity, being disappointed by our lack of enthusiasm and labor. You may inform me from time to time how your search for the new place is progressing more and more. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: George Harrison, land, London, regulative principles letters | 07:36 |31 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Bali Mardan, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your both letters dated December 21 and 22, 1972, along with the copy of income statement for six months ending November 30, 1972. I am most pleased to note from that income statement that since June your monthly income has doubled and that for six months you have collected $245,000. That is very much astonishing to me, and I can understand from seeing these figures just how much suitable you are for heading up the responsible position of senior man in the New York temple affairs. That means you have made the most substantial increase in financial status anywhere in our society. Krsna has blessed you with the best business sense. Studying the figures I can see that beginning in the month of September, after we had discussed everything at New Vrndaban at end August, the net savings total has almost tripled each month over the previous highest month's total for August of $8,500. Now December is finished and I think in your country this month is the best month for spending, being the Christmas season, so I shall be anxious to see what was your collection for December and what was your net savings. I note also that your expenses have remained almost constant for so many months, except for the money paid to book fund, which is increasing more and more, so that is the best system: pay to the books fund larger and larger sums, keep other expenses constant as much as possible or reduce. But one thing is, you were spending $900 monthly for deity expenses, and still you are spending $900, so if total income is increasing more than double, why not increase also expense for the deity? We may spend anything and everything for the deity, as long as there is no scarcity, and by that lavish spending to glorify Radha and Krsna, they will become very much pleased upon you and bless you more and more. So far the Macmillan business, as soon as you have got any information, you may send me. Yes, if it is enhancing our distribution of books to wear warm clothes like coat-pants in winter, I have no objection, you may wear them. Of course we may take money for Krsna using any method of beg, borrow and steal, but more advanced understanding of Krsna consciousness process is that by telling the truth in a very palatable way, that is the most successful system. Your mentioning Bangladesh feeding of refugees, of course we are feeding sometimes the local inhabitants, up to 1,000 persons on some occasions, but there is no organized program of feeding the refugees at Mayapur. In fact, so far I have seen, all the refugees from Nadia District have gone back to Bangladesh, there are no more refugee camps. So it will not be the truth to say to people like that, but I have no objection if they give more hearing by such thing. Let them say, who will check us? We may tell any damn thing to induce people to give us money on Krsna's behalf, that is not the point. The point is that by saying lies, the less advanced neophyte devotees may become entangled or disturbed in their minds by it. Of course by their collecting more money and giving to Krsna, He will relieve them of all anxiety of telling lies. But not everyone is able to catch the big fish without themselves becoming wet. I am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase. Of course that is a great art and not everyone can do it, but gradually by practice of preaching in this way, striving to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it. Being the senior devotee there, you may give the younger students all good instruction and advice how to do this, but not for any reason shall we decrease the book sales and collection monthly over some small lying about Bangladesh or other things. Regarding that building in Manhattan, of course we are not very much mad after big buildings, so long there is enough space for our devotees so they may be able to carry on their preaching work, but if you can get such building as you are describing in the midtown area costing between $1-1.6 million, oh, that will be your greatest achievement in Krsna consciousness. Such building being our world headquarters of ISKCON, would facilitate our preaching expansion work all over the world. So far money is concerned, you are saving roundabout $30,000 per month, so go on saving like this, and even it takes a few more months to raise the down payment for such expensive building, never mind, a few months' delay is not much. But the point is that Krsna is now giving freely so much money, why He can't increase that amount more and more? I don't think there will be any difficulty to raise the money for down payment, you will be successful under any circumstance, of that I am certain. But I want to keep my bond of $80,000 to be spent for books for India, that is my final decision. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: book distribution, building, lies, New York letters | 07:36 |31 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sankarasana, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding your question whether some small lies may be said in order to sell our books, I have already replied to Bai Mardan on that point and a copy of his letter is enclosed herewith. But that kind of lie, as you have given example of the apartment manager, telling him that "Yes, we have gotten permission to distribute here," that kind of lie is not harmful. The highest development of Krsna consciousness understanding will be when you are able to give anyone the truth but in such a manner that they will respond in a positive way. If people like to contribute by hearing such things, there is no harm, that is just to induce him to purchase. Some of my godbrothers, I can remember, when we used to go out for begging some contribution from some big man, they used to say that my Guru Maharaja had lived for 12 years in the forest in solitary place, living only on the tulasi leaves. I could scarcely stop from laughing when I heard such story, but it was effective to get the money and give to our Guru Maharaja, and he was pleased by our gift. So the idea is not what you are saying, so much as how you say it. If you understand this properly, then you may be able to say the truth at all times in the most palatable way, according to the situation and the type of hearer. To perfect this art, that takes practice, so practice preaching from this understanding and gradually you will develop it more and more. But we should never steal anything like money, food, water, gasoline, just to enhance our service to Krsna. That is too much dangerous, and if we are caught then all of our work is finished. Just like in India recently, this Balyogi Guru Maharajaji was detected by the customs authorities attempting to smuggle some small items into India. By this one tiny incident his entire effort for preaching, even he his rascal number one and his preaching is nonsense, even so the example is there, his work is now ruined and he is practically finished as the government will not grant him passport to leave India. So we shall always be careful to avoid any kind of jeopardizing our high standing in the society by some foolish and small act of illegal stealing. So far your difficulty for controlling the sex urge, my advice in that connection is that the more you become Krsna conscious, that sex urge can be checked. That is the only way for checking the sex urge. First thing is, you have made promise when you took initiation that there will be no illicit sex connection. If still you are unable to fulfill that promise to your spiritual master, then what is the use of calling yourself devotee and disciple? That is simply pretending. So you should think like this, that I have promised my spiritual master this, now I must obey him without any exception, otherwise I have no business calling myself his disciple. That will be your austerity or tapasya for forcing you to make very rapid advancement in Krsna conscious understanding. Without tapasya there is no question of making advancement. So if still the material nature is so much attractive to you that you are unable to sacrifice things in this way, then better you give up the whole thing and do as you like outside. But if you want to call yourself devotee and serve Krsna in that capacity, then you must avoid these four basic principle restrictions under all circumstances, without any exceptions. Of course once, twice, Krsna may excuse, that is not very difficult, but more than that it will become very difficult for Krsna to excuse you and there is great risk that everything will be lost despite all of your time and effort spent. You have got some desire to become a famous preacher and famous Vaisnava singer and also jagad-guru. This is a spiritual desire, so it is not like any material desire and it is all right to desire for Krsna in this way. but great Vaisnava or famous Vaisnava means that you have no sex desire. Whether you can be like that? First of all you be like that, without any sex desire, then you think famous Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he has no material desire, what to speak of sex desire. All material desires become zero, even he has no desire for jnana, karma, like that. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Miami, preachers, purity, sex life letters | 07:35 |30 December 2007 Friday, 29 December, 1972 Bombay My Dear Madhudvisa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your telegram from Melbourne dated December 26, 1972. I have replied it by my cable as follows: "Immediately send c/o Bombay three tickets, February 1st, Calcutta Australasia, remaining entire February." So you may do the needful and send the three airline tickets for myself, Srutakirti, and Syamasundara. here to my above-mentioned Bombay address, or wire them to the airlines office directly in Bombay city. The airlines office in Bombay may notify Syamasundara at 362963. My plan is to remain here in Bombay until January 23rd for holding our second Hare Krishna Festival in the Cross Maidan. I think last time you were one of the leaders of that first Hare Krsna Festival, so you know how much important occasion that will be. Already there are many banners all over the city advertising this movement as the world's greatest spiritual culture movement. We had just completed our pandal program at Ahmedabad, and it was also very very successful. From Bombay we shall fly to Calcutta for about nine days' time and we may give some programs there also. So I want to proceed from Calcutta to Australia or wherever you suggest on that side. We shall be able to leave on February 1st morning. And you may arrange the program in Australia and New Zealand for the duration of February month. Around the 1st March I shall have to return to Mayapur for holding our celebration of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance day in early March. So you may plan in that way. I have heard from Siddha Svarupa that Tusta Krsna and his wife Krsna Tulasi are now fine and living in Krsna Consciousness on some farm in Australia. And he has assured me that things are going all right in New Zealand, and I have got one letter from the new president there at Auckland, and it appears that everything will go on nicely. But I think you should go there once and see how the things are going on just to the proper standard. Tusta Krsna is such intelligent boy and capable worker, and I had thought that without him the whole thing would collapse, but whether that is actually the case? Anyway, you may give me report as you see it. And you may also go to that farm in Australia where Siddha Svarupa is living with the others of his disciples and give me report also how the things are going on there, whether our standard is being maintained, like that. I know there has been some controversy within the Society about the actual position of our Siddha Svarupa. But I think he is a very nice boy and he has understood our philosophy just to the point, so I have every faith that he will manage all right. Recently, I had sent one letter to reply Tusta Krsna's questions about Siddha Svarupa, namely, that Siddha Svarupa may be pure devotee, but so all of you are also pure devotees. There is no question that Siddha Svarupa is only pure devotee and no one else is pure devotee. All of my disciples, as soon as they surrender themselves to Krsna, they become pure devotees actually. If you see Tusta there you may see also the copy of my letter to get the right idea. These things must be cleared up or there may be danger of split within our ranks. Try to keep the whole situation in unified condition, but if Siddha Svarupa and his disciples are living there separately and peacefully, I have no objection, so long there is no controversy or ill feelings between their camp and yours. You may initiate some program to integrate the two camps by sending some of our own strong men there to assist. And if they get that land as gift, it should be in the name of International Society for Krsna Consciousness. Now I am so much looking forward to seeing all of you, my beloved disciples, there again in near future, so kindly make all arrangements as you know best. I think you wanted me to stop in Djakarta first, so that is all right, but if there is too much strenuous traveling program, that will not be favorable. Better stop in fewer places and have first class programs there, but I am simply at your mercy and I have only the protection of Krsna in all circumstances; therefore, whatever you make me to do, that I am prepared. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: Australasia, disagreement, festivals, itinerary, purity letters | 07:33 |29 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Pusta Krsna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 27, 1972. I can very well appreciate your preaching work on European continent, having received very favorable reports from other big leaders there. That is wanted, that all of you will take upon yourselves the responsibility of preaching widely everywhere the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. By that responsible commitment to your spiritual master, that is your qualification for getting Krsna's blessing upon you. And only in this way will you be able to make your spiritual progress rapidly. So you are very determined and intelligent boy, you have got a cool head, so I am very much confident that you will be able to render more and more the best service to Krsna and to your spiritual master. That means that you will simply introduce our Krsna Consciousness program anywhere and everywhere, without any compromise or deviation from the highest standard of devotional practice, as chalked out for us by our great predecessors. If you yourself remain always pure, then your preaching will have effect. As soon as there is little impurity, the whole thing will deteriorate and go to hell. So we shall not like to take the credit in that case, therefore I am praying simply that all of you, my advanced disciples, GBC men, sannyasis, temple officers, like that, that all of you will become sober-minded and feeling always very much responsible how the things will go on as I have given them. If you simply do as I am doing, not avoiding anything which may have to be done for pushing on Krsna's movement, remaining always stuck up very tightly to the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, then without any doubt you will remain always fresh and enthusiastic for working very energetically on Krsna's behalf, without any falldown. By next spring or summer I shall be coming to London, so I shall be on that side, so if I get opportunity I shall like to see that place, Switzerland, as I have heard that it is the best place in Europe. Anyway, let us see what Krsna desires. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: purity, sannyasa, Switzerland letters | 07:31 |29 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Deva Mira, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 12, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great concern. Bali Mardan is my trusted senior disciple, do you think I am a fool to choose him for running on my big New York temple. Rather, if anyone criticizes him, they must be the fool. He has done so much wonderful service and I appreciate him so much. No amount of your foolish words will touch my estimation. I am stopping in New York by next summer. Meanwhile, I shall request you not to make any disturbance and I shall request Bali Mardan to leave you alone. You must abide by the order of Bali Mardan. You write as Dr. Please let me know what kind of Doctor you are? Have you got any bona fide certificate? Send me the copy of the certificate at once. Please let me know this immediately. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Brooklyn, disagreement letters | 07:30 |29 December 2007 29 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Vaikunthanatha, Please accept my blessings. Your letter of December 23, 1972, is in hand. I can very well understand your dilemma. It is apparently a common feeling amongst the devotees from your country who come to India for some time. Of course you are educated and trained up in another way, so the style of living as it is found here in India may not be to your liking. That is natural. And if you are also at the same time little sickly, that will aggravate your disappointment. So I have no objection whatever. You may do as you think best. But that is a fact, many good men such as yourself are required here in India to complete the works that are started in various places such as Vrndavana, Mayapur, Hyderabad, Delhi, like that. But this is difficult work, and it will require very strong devotees, who are also healthy. There may not be always the facility for regulative practice of devotional principles as you have found them in your country. Therefore since you are adjusted in that way, you have lost your enthusiasm due to irregular habits. Of course, in the more mature stage of Krsna consciousness one is not affected by such conditions of material nature, being always fixed in his idea and determined to push on on Krsna's behalf despite all kinds of unfavorable circumstances, but that stage of mature realization will come later. For the time being, you are having little difficulty, so I think you will require the regulated household life as you are suggesting. But unless the basic determination to become successful in Krsna consciousness is there, any type of occupation or any place where you are serving Krsna will similarly become a source of restlessness and troubling of your mind. Therefore, my advice to you is simply this: that you search out in yourself whether that basic determination and faith in our Krsna consciousness program is strong in you, and whether if, by going here or going there or doing this or doing that, this determination and faith will be enhanced. Sometimes Krsna may put us into some difficulty just to purify us and force us to advance in Krsna consciousness. The devotee should always see his difficulty in this light, that Krsna is so kind upon me for creating this condition of struggling, thus He is relieving me of so many billions of lifetime of sinful reactions by this very insignificant and temporary condition of suffering something. Or if our attachment for Krsna is not yet developed, and there is still attraction for the ordinary life of householder life, together with friends, family, children, working, like that, that is all right, by that process if one contributes something of his income to the preaching work and attends himself with family the temple for the class and kirtana, gradually he will get some enthusiasm and develop his attachment for Krsna. But that is the slow and troublesome way, and I know that you are so intelligent boy, along with your good wife Saradia, so you may do as you like, but it would please me very much if you will dedicate yourself and your wife completely to the preaching work. That is important. Running-on of factories, family, these are ordinary businesses and anyone may do them, any ordinary man, but you are not ordinary man, that I know. My best advice to you is that you do not bother yourself by so many speculative thoughts and thus only aggravate the situation further. But if you are unhealthy with liver infection, that is another thing. So first of all you must get back your healthy condition. For that, living in Europe or America may be better for you, that I do not know. But in any case, remember always that you have now got this golden opportunity of human form of life, and it is not by accident that you have met your spiritual master and have become involved in Krsna's work, therefore remember these things and try to utilize your best intelligence and energy to take advantage of the situation and without any further delay take yourself to the perfectional platform of your life. The activity most recommended by Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu for taking oneself to the perfectional stage in this age of Kali-yuga is this sankirtana or preaching mission. So if you will be able to form yourself into the first-class preacher, that will be best for you and for others also. Your wife may also assist you in your important activities of spreading Krsna consciousness. She is a very nice painter and artist, and she is very sincere and serious also, so you may together utilize your spot-life as preachers of Krsna consciousness, that will be the better occupation. There is no harm for having children, that is no impediment for preaching endeavor. But too much attachment for children, home and work will spoil your opportunity to get very quickly the mature benefit of Krsna consciousness or self-realization. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: Bombay, difficulties, grhasthas, sankirtan, wife letters | 07:32 |29 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Cyavana, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 15, 1972, and I note that you have returned from another successful preaching mission in distant parts of Africa. I am always so much pleased to hear such good news how the traveling preachers are spreading this Krsna Consciousness movement to every nook and corner of the world. Such traveling and preaching activity is the most highly favored by Krsna and He will bless you more and more with the highest understanding and realization of Himself. Yes, that is correct proposal, you must have a program for getting income which will not depend upon anyone outside of our camp. Of course ultimately we must depend only on Krsna. If He gives us something we shall accept and offer it in His service, if we have nothing, what is the harm, we shall sit under a tree and chant Hare Krsna. But in any case, I do not want you to leave that temple and move to a smaller place. We must keep at least one nice temple of large size in that part of Africa. If we reduce in that way, that will not be good. Rather increase in all ways, that is our program. The moving and preaching work will be your most important business in Africa. There is not much population and the distances are great, so there is, no doubt, great need for several traveling parties to be working simultaneously. But if you keep that place in Nairobi as your base, sending all of the new recruits as you are able to convert them back to the Nairobi temple for getting themselves trained up, what is wrong with that? I think we need at least one big place for training up the new devotees just to the proper highest standard, just as we are doing in Los Angeles, New York, London, and other places. So also in Africa you require one such model center. If you remain only traveling parties, that will be nice for distributing many many books, and for having the sankirtana, but for new devotees that will be too much rigorous and they will not be able to adjust to the constant moving and changing about. That will spoil their chance for developing in their Krsna consciousness from neophyte stage. So keep the Nairobi center always very active, nicely decorated, worship the deities just to the highest standard, making sure that all of the students are rising to attend the mangala aratrika, chanting regularly sixteen rounds, reading books - in this way utilize what Krsna has given us there and develop it for the headquarters building for Africa. Yes, if anyone agrees to live with us in the temple he must without any exception follow the four rules and regulations, plus the other regulative principles, otherwise he may be asked kindly to leave the temple and live outside. Or he may not be invited to live in the temple until he has agreed and has proven his ability to obey the regulative idea. The point is that we should not be over anxious just to recruit men if they will not be of the best quality. If someone wants to become devotee but he is little weak, never mind he is living outside, he may come regularly to the temple, chant at home and at his work, and offer his foodstuffs always to Krsna, like that, and gradually he will develop the surrendering attitude and accept voluntarily the life of austerity or tapasya which must be practiced in the temple living. Without such voluntary understanding of the principles and agreement to obey them, no one is qualified to live in our temples. Of course if there are one or two instances of falling down, that may be excused, we are not so overly critical, otherwise who would be qualified of any of us to become devotee? So that tolerant attitude must be there to a certain extent, but we must remain also always firm on this point, that the brahmacaris living in the temple shall not disobey the orders of the spiritual master. One thing is, if both yourself and Brahmananda, the two strong leaders there, are always gone from the temple, who is managing in your absence? That is to be considered. One strong man, if he is very much fixed-up devotee, he can manage everything nicely, even in huge temple with many students. The problem is not the facility itself, rather the ability of the manager there. So immediately get one first-class man to agree to stick to the Nairobi temple and develop it fully, that will be the best solution. Hoping this will meet you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami N.B. Mr. G.N. Shah is always writing me for money. What to do with him? ACB ACBS/sda Labels: leader, Nairobi, regulative principles, sankirtan letters | 07:31 |29 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Bhavananda, Please accept my blessings. Tamala Krishna has informed me that you are inviting me to come there to Calcutta immediately after the Bombay Cross Maidan Pandal program is finished, so I shall come there as you desire. So you may kindly arrange the airplane tickets for four persons, namely myself and three secretaries, and we shall come there on 23rd morning of January 1973, provided that you mail us the tickets at your earliest. I want to stay until 1st February and then fly from Calcutta to Djakarta and Australia and other places, as Madhudvisa has invited me to come there during February month. So I shall be in Calcutta for nine days, that means I want to speak at nine different programs in various parts of Calcutta city. So you try to arrange some big big speaking programs in various places of the city, all of them being well-advertised and attended by respectable and sober men. Of course, we can talk to any class of men, but I want to speak especially to large numbers of the higher-class or respectable and sober class of men of Calcutta. I will speak in Bengali, Hindi, or English, whatever language is required. So you may arrange the programs immediately in the various places, such as the Bar Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Stock Exchange, the Royal Asiatic Society, University Institute, Ramakrishna Cultural Institute, YMCA, Govinda Bhavan, Madan Mohan's Temple, Gaudiya Math, Jalan's Ramchandra Temple, like that. Or if there is any Mohammedan or Christian association, we are universal spiritual culture, we can speak to these people also. Or in the Bora Bazar, there is the Marwari Association, or in Bagh Bazar there is Navavrindaban. Also, there is some cultural institution of Birla in Ballyganj and other places. Or there are many halls like the Royal Theater, and other theatres, many temples also, there is the Royal Exchange, like that. So I am prepared to speak every night for nine nights while I am at Calcutta. Make big propaganda and let me inform the respectable men of my birthplace city what we are doing all over the world on behalf of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and let us see if they will respond for helping us push on this Krsna Consciousness movement more and more. I have heard one rumor from Gargamuni that Kanupriya and Hayagriva are smoking ganja. In that case, Hayagriva should be asked to leave for U.S.A. immediately to sit down in New Vrndavana and do what he likes. But he is big leader, and if it is common knowledge that he is using such intoxicants, the others will follow his example and there will be havoc throughout the society. That would be a catastrophe. Therefore I am enclosing one letter to Hayagriva and I am ordering him to return to New Vrndavana immediately and not to become misled himself and thus mislead everyone else. As for Kanupriya, if he returns to the U.S.A. he will not stop this nasty habit and it will be worse if he goes there than if he remains in India with his family. So he may remain wherever he likes in India, but he must live separately from the devotees, and if he continues this thing he may be requested not to associate with any of our devotees further. Hoping this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Calcutta, ganja, intellignet class, itinerary letters | 07:30 |28 December 2007 Thursday, 28 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sons, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Aksojananda I am very glad to consent to accept both of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads are duly chanted by me and are enclosed herewith. I have given you the spiritual names as follows: Brian Peverill/BRHATBHANU DAS BRAHMACHARY Jean Luc Norroy/JAGADADIJA DAS BRAHMACHARY Now my request to both of you is that you very seriously stick to the regulative principles of devotional service, and especially observe rigidly the four restrictions, and without fail always chant 16 rounds on your beads daily, and be happy. You have got now the golden opportunity of this human form of life, and it is no accident that you have got now your spiritual master, now the rest is up to you. And if you stick tightly to the orders of your spiritual master, always trying to please him only, then very quickly you will achieve the supreme goal of your life. But maya is very strong. Therefore if you want to make progress in kicking out maya from your life, then keep yourselves always 24 hours engaged in the business of Krishna Consciousness, and help me to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement all over the world, utilizing your energy for that however you are best able, and then you will be freed from all attachment to maya, by Krishna's grace. And always remember to chant Hare Krishna, and that will save you in all circumstances, without any doubt. Hoping this meets you both in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Amsterdam, initiation letters | 07:27 |28 December, 1972 Bombay My Dear Ksirodakasayi, Please accept my blessings. Since long time I have not heard from you, neither you replied my letter to you from Vrindaban last. I enquired from you about one month ago in that letter what is the position with yourself there in London? And I wanted to know where is that Gift Deed for the Saraf land in Raman Reti, whether it is with you. You told Gurudasa that it is in some trunk in Vrindaban, but we have opened and it is not there. So if you have got it, kindly send it to me at once. Now we have made good progress there in the construction work, but I want to keep that deed with me. I have heard that you are collecting some money for the Vrindaban work, but how you are doing that and where is that money and how much you have collected? What you are doing there in London? You wanted to open one Iskcon branch in your home, but I could not allow it as official branch. But I encouraged you to hold arati, class, and invite your friends, sell our books, like that, not that you should become silent and go away. I wanted that you should attend regularly with your nice family to our Bury Place Temple, preach sometimes there to the guests, and give our young boys your encouragement and experienced advice. But I have heard that you are not attending, so I am puzzled what you are doing now? Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: disagreement, London, Vrindavan letters | 07:27 |27 December 2007 Wednesday, 27 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sri Govinda, Please accept my blessings. Enclosed please find three sacred threads duly chanted by me, along with three copies of gayatri mantra. Now hold the fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Vipina Purandhara, Sundhararupa and Jaya das. You may teach them to count on the finger divisions and play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into their right ear. Instruct them fully in the qualifications for becoming brahmana, and henceforth they must be very, very careful not to commit any sinful acts or otherwise I shall have to suffer as their spiritual master. The ceremony should be held in the company of devotees only. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Chicago, initiation, spiritual master letters | 07:24 |27 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Trai dasa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1972. I am so much pleased to hear from you that the book distribution has increased five times than before! Similarly, I have heard from Chicago and other places also that they are increasing five times than before. That is very encouraging to me. You are, I can understand, very much enthusiastic to endeavor big things on Krsna's behalf, and all of the new students there at Boston center are also feeling enthusiasm from your example. That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic. Then he is real leader. And that enthusiastic mood is maintained when everyone is always without fail chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early for mangala aratrika, reading books, preaching - in this way, by observing strictly the regulative principles of devotional life, that enthusiasm or great eagerness to have Krsna will come out. So if you are very serious to remain tightly there in Boston center and develop it fully, I am very much pleased upon you for this. That is advancement in Krsna Consciousness, to stick tightly to the desire or orders of the spiritual master; because my Guru Maharaja ordered it, and I am also ordering it: Go on preaching, spread this Krsna Consciousness all over the world, then if you are taking up the responsibility for that, to work very cool-headedly in this way, then you are understanding rightly what is the point of giving our energy without any personal considerations to Krsna. So try to develop Boston temple to be the first-class temple in your country - why your country, in the world. Recruit some educated men from the colleges, schools in Boston, train them up for preaching mission, in this way develop the quality of your men to be the most surrendered servants of Krsna. That will please Krsna, and you will feel also yourself becoming more and more happy in perfecting your life. Upon your recommendation I am glad to accept the three new devotees as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter and beads are enclosed herewith. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: book distribution, Boston, initiation, leader letters | 07:23 |26 December 2007 27 December, 1972 Bombay Kelso, Washington My dear Mukunda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated November 13 and December 11, 1972, and always I am very glad to hear from your good self. You are one of my first and nicest disciples that is a fact, and I am always hoping that you will again come to live with me again, along with your good wife Janaki. That will be nice. But even I am far away, as you say you are remembering me, so also I am remembering you, and in that sense we are never separated. So I can understand that you are rigidly following the regulative principles, chanting without fail always 16 rounds, so in this way you will be protected and your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement will not dwindle. I like very much your proposal for approaching all the big leaders of the world and presenting them one Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and one copy of BTG, along with letter of description of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. If you can send me the copy of that Supreme Court Judge's letter? If you simply inform them something, by way of the line of our preaching logic and authority, gradually they may come to know about us and help us. But one thing is, our experience is that such big men will not help us - except if there is some rare soul like Mr. George Harrison, and they must be guided also by our personally contacting them again and again and slowly build-up the relationship. We are more interested that the mass of men shall support us - what good a handful of high-class supporters will do? Just like in your country, there was election, and the opponent of Mr. Nixon, he was supported by all high-class men, but because Mr. Nixon had help of the common men he was successful and won the fight. But, if even one such high-class man becomes preacher on our behalf, if he actually becomes converted to Krishna Consciousness preaching work, then that is the best contribution of your preaching also. Just like George, now he is practically converted and he is only preaching about Krishna, and he has done that from the beginning - I think you knew him in London also, so you know how he is helping us push on the preaching - so that type of big personality, if you can catch one or two such men for preaching contribution, oh, that will be wonderful achievement for you. We want that the mass shall support us, but we want that the class shall preach for us, that is the distinction. Is it clear? Please inform me from time to time how that programme, of inducing influential men to preach somehow or other our Krishna philosophy is progressing. I know that you have got good ability to do that work, I remember how you used to bring so many big men to see me in London, at that John Lennon's house. So if you sincerely desire to serve Him in that way, Krishna will give you every opportunity and intelligence how to seize it up, that He says: tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam dadami buddhi-yogam tam yena mam upayanti te [Bg. 10.10] Hoping this meets you and your nice wife, Janaki, in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: George Harrison, intellignet class, preachers letters | 07:28 |Tuesday, 26 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Amogha, Please accept my blessings. I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents. It is very much pleasing to me to hear that you are making such steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness. If you continue in this way, and strictly follow the four regulative principles, making sure to chant at least sixteen rounds on the beads, daily, it is without a doubt that at the end of this lifetime, you can go back home, back to Godhead. You mention that the Indonesians inside the country are good people. Yes, try to make local men into devotees. When I shall come there I shall try to convince that boy who owns the printing press. Don't neglect the Hindus. Collect money from them for printing and pushing on our preaching work. They are able to give enough money, but don't bother to try to mix with or preach to them excessively. Real business is to convert the local men to become Krishna Conscious and carry on the work. I shall be going there near February 1, so you may do the needful. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sdb Labels: Australasia, Hindus, regulative principles letters | 07:25 |25 December 2007 Monday, 25 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sri Govinda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 5, 1972. I am greatly pleased to hear from you that you have increased the selling books five times more in Chicago centre. That is very good news to me. Yes, there must always be competition, that gives life, that cannot be separated from life. Sanatana dharma means the strong will utilize the energy of the weak, the weak must serve the strong, that we see everywhere, is it not? Who can deny? So that competitive spirit makes us strong, otherwise it is a society of weak men only, and what is the good of such society? But if you ask anyone are you weak or strong, he must answer that he is weak - he cannot control even his toothache, what to speak of his death. Therefore, in fact, it is a society of weak men - everyone is weak before Durga Devi or the material energy. If you see sometimes her picture, the foolish materialist is being held by the claws of her tiger-carrier, while she pierces him to death with her trident weapon. She has got ten arms, each with weapon, she is so strong, but we are so weak that simply by piercing with her trident, the three-fold miseries, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, and adhyatmika, the foolish materialists are all defeated! And before Krishna, Durga devi is very weak - Krishna is the controller of Durga. So Krishna is the strongest: sattyam sattvavatam aham, "I am the strength of the strong." Therefore, being weak, it is the eternal occupational duty of the living entity to surrender to Krishna, that's all. In the surrendering to Krishna, if everyone does it, still, the brahmanas will be served by the lower castes, the kings will be served by vaisyas and sudras, the vaisyas will be served by the sudras, and the sudras will serve all higher castes - there is still utilizing the weak by the strong - but feeling themselves always very much weak in comparison to Krishna, the whole society services the Strongest, therefore there will be no envy of the stronger by the weaker class of men. So perfect society, or Vedic society, does not eliminate competition - competition, stronger and weaker, must be there - but it eliminates envy, because everyone is weak before Krishna. Is that clear? Regarding your other question, should we become detached from the results of our activities, or should we become simply attached to the Lotus Feet of Krishna, the answer is that both of these philosophies are right. One should not be attached to his personal achievement. But, if one is attached in order to please his Spiritual Master, then it is all right. Unattached to my benefit, attached to Krishna's benefit. Krishna Consciousness means attachment for Krishna and detachment for personal benefit, that's all. But in any case, if there is fight amongst yourselves over these things, book distribution, competition, you should not develop ill-feeling. That depends on the persons. If ill-feeling is there, then stop it and all together chant Hare Krishna. Those who are behind should eulogize those who are advanced. If you become envious, that is material. Attachment, detachment - these things are natural. If you become attached to something you become detached from other. So we can estimate our advancement in this way. This is the test. In the Krishna Consciousness Movement there is no question of enviousness, hatred, things like that. Material life means hatred for Krishna and desire for matter. So we have to convert ourselves. When one becomes Krishna conscious actually, he does not even hate material things because he becomes expert how to utilize everything for Krishna. Krishna Consciousness is so nice. We do not hate anything material because we have learned from our disciplic succession how to utilize material things for Krishna's service. Actually, bhakti means realization of the Supreme, and this means increasing attachment for Him and reforming of detachment or hating of material name and fame. So far this making some false story for collecting money or selling book, of course we may do anything for Krishna, but that is supposed to be reserved for very advanced experts in Krishna Consciousness - they know how to catch the big fish without themselves getting wet. So it is not very much advisable to make lies just to sell book. If we simply stick to describing how wonderful is Krishna, then whatever we may lie or exaggerate, that will not be lie! But other things, lies, they will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness. Lie to some, not to others, that is not a good philosophy. Rather the brahmanas are always truthful, even to their enemies. There is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply describe them sincerely to anyone, they will buy. That art you must develop, not art of lying. Convince them to give by your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking, that is more mature stage of development of Krishna Consciousness. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sd Labels: book distribution, Chicago, transcendental competition letters | 07:21 |24 December 2007 Saturday, 23 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Hariprasadaji, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 14, 1972. I am so much encouraged by your report of the Hyderabad activities, and I think that that place will be most important preaching centre for India, because I have noted that you are all so much eager and enthusiastic to serve Krishna. That is the first qualification to attain the supreme perfection of your life: enthusiasm. If there is always keen enthusiasm for serving Krishna, and if there is also patience and determination, then everything will be successful. So try to every day chant as much as possible Hare Krishna Mantra, read our books regularly, and engage your energy for this business of building temple, making Life Members, like that, and then you will always remain enthusiastic, and gradually more and more you will feel yourself advance in Krishna Consciousness. In this way, you may know it for certain that you will meet Krishna face-to-face very soon. Now I am in Bombay until about 23rd of January, at the above address, and we are preparing a very gorgeous Hare Krishna Festival for the Cross Maidan from January 12th to 21st instant. So I am free up to 10th January, so if in the meantime everything is settled up then I can go to Hyderabad and lay down the foundation-stone. So far books are concerned, I have told Tamala to send as many as possible so he will see to it. There is shipment of 10,000 BTG's in Bombay harbor, and we are waiting for CCP license to clear them, then part of that shipment may be sent you, immediately. Meanwhile, I have ordered 5,000 to 10,000 each of each of our books for India, so in future there will be sufficient supply. This distributing of books is our most important business. So I am very much pleased upon you that you want to help me in this way. Now go on increasing books distribution, and utilize your fertile brain how to do it more and more. Krishna has given you every facility, so if you use that facility and intelligence for Krishna, just to please Him by your preaching assistance, that will satisfy you completely and it will be the best help to your countrymen, your family, and to all living entities in general. May Krishna give you His all blessings. Now I want that you become the Treasurer of our branch at Hyderabad, so I have sent one letter of Resolution to Subala in that connection. Kesava will be President and Subala will be Secretary. So far the movie-projector, etc., those things you should arrange locally with co-operation of others, and you may order films from our Los Angeles centre for some cost-price only. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: book distribution, Hyderabad, preachers letters | 17:26 |23 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Bali Mardan, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 8, 1972, along with description of that house. I am enclosing one copy of my letter to Karandhara in this regard. I want to use those bonds for purchasing books for India.* But I think there is no shortage of funds to be collected by you and your men in New York only. I was told by Jayatirtha that you have collected more than $1,00,000 in last few months. So if you go on collecting in this way, where is the difficulty? Of course if there is great need, I can give you, but if you think that you can manage something independently, then try for that, that will be better. I had purchased those bonds originally for M-V Trust, so I want to utilize them in India. Another thing is, if we get our headquarters in the very important business quarter of New York, just like I saw those photos, big, big skyscrapers surrounding, millions of people passing daily, oh, that will be very wonderful thing. But that quarter of 77th Street, that is costly also, but it is not very important. So I think if you get one place, one skyscraper building, just by the 5th Avenue, say, around 40th Street, 45th Street, Times Square, like that, that will be the beacon-light for our world-wide propaganda of Krishna Consciousness Movement. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda *So please do not touch this fund. This is required for M.V. Trust immediately. Labels: building, M-V Trust, New York letters | 17:25 |23 December 2007 23 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sons and Daughters, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Sudama Goswami I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads are chanted by me and are enclosed herewith. I have given you the spiritual names as follows: Andy Wiernsz/ATENDRIYA DAS Bill Oliverson/BAHUSIRA DAS Judy Jones/JITAMITRA DASI Mary St. John/MAHARHA DASI Oksana Olenczuk/OMKARA DASI Vicky Burt/VAJASANA DASI Now my request to you all is that you very seriously stick to the principles of devotional service, observing strictly the four basic restrictions, and without fail always chant at least 16 rounds on your beads daily, and be happy. If you practice these basic principles successfully, not forgetting your duty even for a moment, automatically your love for Krishna will come out and you will keep yourselves always enthusiastic to serve Krishna. So you have now got the golden opportunity of this human form of life, and it is not by chance that you have met your spiritual master, so if you are intelligent you will conclude that, whatever else I may do, I must accomplish the supreme goal of my life in this very lifetime and go back to home, back to Godhead. Otherwise, maya is always looking for an opportunity to drag us down, and especially she may attack those devotees who are trying to go away from here. But if you keep yourselves always engaged 24 hours in Krishna's business, and help me spread this Krishna Consciousness movement all over the world, however you are best able to do it in your own way, then you will be freed from all attachment to maya, by Krishna's grace. Just as when the darkness and the light come together, the darkness cannot stand before the light, so maya cannot remain in the presence of Krishna. Always remember therefore to chant Hare Krishna, and that will save you in all circumstances, without any doubt. Hoping this meets you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: initiation, New York letters | 17:27 |23 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Sudama, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated November 27 and 28, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. I am very, very happy to hear from you all the good news about New York centre. Yes, from the very beginning I went to New York because I thought that Krishna Consciousness is the most important idea in the world, so let me go to that place, New York, which is the most important city in the world, and if I am able to do anything for Krishna and my Spiritual Master, even I am at the fag-end of my life, at least let me try for it there. So my dreams have all come true, and all of you nice boys and girls are getting the credit. When I was alone in your New York, I was thinking, who will listen to me in this horrible, sinful place? All right, I shall stay little longer, at least I can distribute a few of my books, that is something. But Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see, and He brought you to me one by one, sincere American boys and girls, to be trained-up for doing the work of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Now I can see that it is a miracle. Otherwise, your city of New York, one single old man, with only a few books to sell for barely getting eatables, how he can survive, what to speak of introducing God-consciousness movement for saving the humankind? That is Krishna's miracle. Now I can see it. So I am very much pleased upon you for your kindly guiding and training the new devotees in so many ways. Yes, if you simply instruct them as I have taught also you, being yourself always the perfect example and above suspicion, that will act with great force. I am doing that. And I wanted to make some sannyasis to do what I am doing, and if you keep the standard, always chanting Hare Krishna, then it will go on continuously without impediment. That is your duty as sannyasa, to keep yourself always above suspicion in Krishna Consciousness programme, and to teach others to become like you, that's all. That is our perfect programme. And you have pointed out that you want to train others to be leaders, because you have observed there is at present not very many qualified leaders. That is good proposal. Find out some intelligent men from schools, colleges, and being always very tolerant try to convince them gradually to utilize their intelligence and education in the service of Krishna. And if you simply keep to our standard programme - don't try to invent anything Road Show or Yoga Village - that means chanting daily 16 rounds, rising early, attending mangal arati, like that, if this programme is strictly maintained amongst all the devotees, they will remain pure, and if preaching is pure, automatically leaders, managers, funds, everything will be given profusely by Krishna, without any doubt. Upon your recommendation, I have accepted the six new students as my disciples, duly initiated, and their letter and beads are enclosed herewith, along with sacred threads (four) and copies of gayatri mantra (five). Now hold the fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Apurva, Gariyan, Mangalananda, Sudhanu, and Manjari dasi. Teach them to count on the finger divisions, and play for them the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into their right ear. The fire yagna can be held for all eleven devotees. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: building, initiation, intellignet class, New York letters | 17:27 |22 December 2007 Friday, 22 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Karandhara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your dated December 11, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. Regarding your proposal to cash my bonds and take that house in New York, I have heard from Bali Mardan that the bid was refused and that he has made another bid, but it will be some time before it is decided. And Dhananjaya has telephoned to Bombay to request for keeping that down payment, because George is very keen to purchase one monastery and there is every chance they will get it before one week. At least let us see. So there is no immediate need to cash my bonds, nor take the money from London. Jayatirtha has informed that Bali Mardan has saved more than $100,000 in few months time only, so New York is very rich place for collecting, so why not he shall collect there for few more months to raise the whole price? Also, that place on 77th Street is not so much important as 5th Avenue and 40th Street. If we are taking such big place for big risk, why not in the important business district? Now my plan for books in India is this: We shall pay MacMillan for 20,000 copies of Bhagavad-Gita at $1.25 each. Price may be settled as it is required, but not more than $30,000. I shall pay for 5,000 copies from my bonds, you pay for the balance 15,000 copies from Book Fund there. 5,000 Gitas may be sent immediately to India, the balance you distribute other places. In India we want to order a variety of books. So you may immediately order from Dai Nippon 5,000 copies each of KRSNA (Vol. II) (Hard-bound), TLC (soft-bound), NOD (soft-bound), KRSNA TRILOGY (soft-bound), Srimad-Bhagavatam (5,000 of each volume), plus you may send to India 10,000 each of each of the small books, like Easy Journey, Topmost Yoga, Beyond Birth and Death, Isopanisad, like that. So these books should be given at cost-price only, not wholesale price, and you may cash some of my bonds to pay the total cost-price of the above books to Dai Nippon and ISKCON Press. They shall pay me back here into one M-V Trust Fund Account at the rate of ten rupees per dollar, plus they shall give me some profit. So you may inform me what is the cost per book for each of the above, and the total cost you are having to deduct from my bonds. All books should be sent to India as quickly as possible. Regarding the work of Pradyumna, now he is working very hard to finish those missing portions, and he will send you very soon. Actually, whatever else he may be doing, I very much appreciate Pradyumna's work. Everyday he gives me some solid work, at least something every day, so I am very much appreciating. I was in Ahmedabad preaching daily in the morning and evening for last two weeks, and at least ten thousand were coming to hear. From January 12th our second Hare Krishna Festival will go on in the Cross Maidan in Bombay, and Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara are planning something very gorgeous just to push on the preaching work. Meanwhile I am little resting behind the scenes for few days, and one Karatieya Mahadevia has been very kind to give us his place all to ourselves just by the seaside on Warden Road. Many big men of Bombay are coming to see me daily for confidential talks, and they are beginning to very much become inclined to our philosophy. I think in this place, it is very restful and there is no interruption, so I think I shall be able to increase my translations work. Regarding your points about taxation, corporate status, etc., I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything. Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient. That was my plan from the very beginning, why you are thinking otherwise? Once before you wanted to do something centralizing with your GBC meeting, and if I did not interfere the whole thing would have been killed. Do not think in this way of big corporation, big credits, centralization - these are all nonsense proposals. Only thing I wanted was that books printing and distribution should be centralized, therefore I appointed you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise, management, everything, should be done locally by local men. Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and lawfully done, but that should be each temple's concern, not yours. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No. Never mind there may be botheration to register each centre, take tax certificate each, become separate corporations in each state. That will train men how to do these things, and they shall develop reliability and responsibility, that is the point. I am little observing now, especially in your country, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement. Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign. The whole problem is they are not following the regulative principles, that I can detect. Without this, enthusiasm will be lacking. Even mechanically following, and if he gets gradually understanding from the class, he will come to the point of spontaneous enthusiasm. This spontaneous loving devotional service is not so easy matter, but if one simply sticks strictly to the rules and regulations, like rising early, chanting 16 rounds, chanting gayatri, keeping always clean - then his enthusiasm will grow more and more, and if there is also patience and determination, one day he will come to the platform of spontaneous devotion, then his life will be perfect. All of this I have told you in Nectar of Devotion. So I do not think the leaders are themselves following, nor they are seeing the others are following strictly. That must be rectified at once. Each centre remain independent, that's all right, but the president and other officers must themselves follow and see the others are following the regulative principles carefully, and giving them good instruction so they may understand nicely why this tapasya is necessary. And GBC and Sannyasis will travel and see the officers are doing this, and if they observe anything lowering of the standard, they must reform and advise, or if there is some discrepancy I shall remove it. Of course, if new men are coming, they may not be expected immediately to take to our regulative principles cent per cent. Therefore we should not be so anxious to induce them to live in the temple. Anyone who lives in the temple must agree to follow the rules and regulations without fail. So if some new man moves in with us he may become discouraged if he is forced in this way. Therefore let them live outside and become gradually convinced in the class why they should accept some austerity, then they will live with us out of their own accord and follow nicely everything. It is very difficult to give up very quickly so many bad habits as you have got in your country. So educate new men gradually, first with chanting, and do not be so much anxious to count up so many numbers of new devotees, if such devotees go away later being too early forced. I want to see a few sincere devotees, not many false devotees or pretenders. So my point is that the regulative principles must be followed by everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of missing the point. The point is to be engaged in doing something for Krishna. Never mind what is that job, but being so engaged in doing something very much satisfying to the devotee then he remains always enthusiastic. He will automatically follow the regulative principles because they are part of his occupational duty - by applying them practically as his occupational duty, he realizes the happy result of regulative principles. So the future of this Krishna Consciousness movement is very bright, so long the managers remain vigilant that 16 rounds are being chanted by everyone without fail, that they are all rising before four morning, attending mangal arati - our leaders shall be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where are so many expert managers? All of us should become expert managers and preachers. We should not be very much after comforts and become complacent or self-contented. There must be always some tapasya, strictly observing the regulative principles - Krishna Consciousness movement must be always a challenge, a great achievement to be gained by voluntary desire to do it, and that will keep it healthy. So you big managers now try to train up more and more some competent preachers and managers like yourselves. Forget this centralizing and bureaucracy. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:sda Labels: enthusiasm, leader, Los Angeles, publishing, regulative principles letters | 17:24 |21 December 2007 Thursday, 21 December, 1972 Bombay My Dear Madhudvisa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of you letters dated December 6 and 13, 1972. I have noted that you have sent two airline tickets for my coming there along with my one assistant. If that is so, where are those tickets sent, with which airline, where to pick them up? I am prepared to come there, as you have made such enthusiastic arrangements, but I shall be holding our Hare Krishna Festival again in Cross Maidan from January 12th to 21st, and after that there are a few programmes in Calcutta, so I may leave from Calcutta round about January 25th or so, go first to Djakarta, then as you suggest. But one thing is, I must travel at least with two secretaries, Srutakirti and Syamasundara. So you may send three tickets to Bombay, informing us name of airline, etc. But I think your programme is bit strenuous. We should not work strenuously. Whatever can be done easily, that will be better. However, I am prepared to do as you think best. But flying here and there, so many places, that will be little troublesome. What do you think? Better a few programmes with many persons attending of high interest and intelligence, instead of many programmes here and there if there is chance nobody may come. At any rate, I shall be very glad to come there under your invitation to see all those nice boys and girls and how the things are going on. You mention Mohanananda, now he wants to stay there in Sydney. I had requested him to go to Gurukula school because he desired to do it. They very much require a Headmaster there with his experience and enthusiasm, so I do not know if he still wants to do it. Somehow or other our children in Gurukula may not be neglected due to our mismanagement. But we shall discuss further when I come there. Regarding you question, do mental sinful activities cause a bad reaction? The answer is no, they do not. We do not suffer for thinking something sinful. Not in this age. That is a special concession for Kali-yuga. Yes, you are correct in stating that spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial. You have seen the picture in NOD how a brahmana simply by mental service was promoted to Vaikuntha. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever-well wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: gurukula, itinerary, questions letters | 17:23 |21 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Yasodanandana and Gurukrpa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 3, 1972, and I have very much appreciated hearing from you the news of your successes in preaching tour. You are the pioneers preachers in South India. That is very important portion of India, and there is much to do there in future, so you are paving the way. I know that you are both best preachers and you will not stand by idly and listen to any nonsense ideas or mayavadis. That is very nice. My Guru Maharaja was also inclined toward his bolder preachers. Therefore I am requesting that both of you, with your party, join me very soon at the Hare Krishna Festival in Bombay Cross Maidan, at least you should come by January 1st. This is our big opportunity to emphasize our preaching strength to the big men of India and population in general. There is arrangement of Questions and Answer tents for the general public, just by the main street of the city, wherein we shall conduct throughout day and night preaching by my disciples by answering any and all questions put forward by the public. I think that you will enjoy preaching in that way, and I want to place my best preachers there for that purpose of defeating all challengers. Kindly oblige and do the needful. Hoping this meets you both in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: Bombay, festivals, India, preachers letters | 17:22 |21 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Meenakatan, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge reciept of your letter dated 12/7/72, and I have noted the contents. Thank you very much for the sincere sentiments expressed therein, and I am very much pleased that you are happy in Krishna Consciousness. For the time being, you may assist Subala Maharaja by working there in Delhi for collecting and making Life Members for the Vrindaban project. At present there is shortage of men to help there, so kindly give your full co-operation. For now, I am not making any more sannyasis, but we shall see later on. Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 07:20 | 19 December 2007 Tuesday, 19 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Tejiyas, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 10, 1972, and I am very much disturbed to hear from you that you have become disturbed in your mind. Do not be disturbed. There is no cause for anxiety. You are doing your best to serve Krishna, that is very much appreciated, so do not lose enthusiasm out of frustration, that will spoil everything. Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, becoming overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope. No, if too much endeavour is there, that is to be avoided. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status, that is the point, not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees, life-members, this, that - no, these are only ways to engage the devotees so that they may apply the principles of devotional living to some kind of work for practical realization of these principles. It is not the result of the work we want. If only one person daily, if we sincerely preach to such one person in a day, that is sufficient, never mind big, big programmes. So my request to you is that you do not be bothered by these things, and I have instructed Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to send you men, so they will do it, rest assured. Krishna does not like to see His sincere devotee suffer or become frustrated or depressed. He will not stand idly by in any such case, so do not fear on that account. Krishna has got some plan for you, always think in that way, and very soon He will provide everything to your heart's desire. Yes, I have seen Vaikunthanatha in Ahmedabad and he appeared very sickly. So he may have to go back, that's a fact, but I shall send you some other good men to assist you. So far Dvija Hari is concerned if he is acting in that way, that is abominable. He has collected some money, so my direct order for him is that he should immediately leave Delhi and return to his country, using the money has got. He may go to Los Angeles and stay in the temple there, taking instruction and help from Karandhara. If he tries to commit any further harm to you or attack you physically, inform the police and have him arrested. Or he may use that ticket of Vidura and give Delhi temple the money he has collected, that is better idea. You may inform him like this. If he has got question, he may write me, but I think he should leave at once without further delay. In Los Angeles there is better facility for making film, that he should know. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda n.b. I think that if no one is there to help you at present moment, and no one can be spared from Bombay due to Cross Maidan pandal work, then you may come to Bombay along with Puranjana and work here, then after the program is finished in Bombay, say about January 22nd, you may return to Delhi with a full party of strong men selected by you from the men in Bombay. But if there is urgent business, you may remain there and we shall make other arrangement as you suggest. ACBS Labels: difficulties, India, New Delhi, philosophy letters | 17:24 |19 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Gurudasa and Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your several letters dated November 30 and December 12, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. I am most pleased to learn from you that the work in Vrindaban is going on very nicely, and that you are both happy in Krishna Consciousness. That is the main thing. Of course I know that you are not trained-up for being construction manager, neither that job must be very much tasteful to you, but because you are sincere devotees of Krishna He is giving you all strength and intelligence how to do it. That is wanted, that is advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Not that I must have a very nice place, I must serve like this or like that, otherwise I shall go away. No, Vaisnava devotee means give me simply a place to lay down, little prasadam, whatever little service you have got please give me, that's all. Thank you very much for taking up this difficult work to help me in this way. Now you are requesting money for supplies, that's all right, but I have not seen the accounts for the money you have spent to date. That you should also supply. But I think Mr. Sarkar is inspired to cooperate with us, and he is very expert, so I do not worry on that account. But record of expenditures must be there, that is standrd procedure. I was informed that the party of Yasodanandana and Mahamsa will forward all collections to Vrindaban, but I do not know if they have done it. Mahamsa is coming to Bombay in a few days time and I shall request him to do immediately. We have completed our pandal programme of Hare Krishna Festival in Ahmedabad and it was very, very successful. On the last night the huge pandal was filled completely, at least 10,000 or 15,000 attendance. So far Yasodanandana's party, I have just got one letter from them and they shall remain at the following address for one month more: [SECRETARY'S NOTE] In Mayapur they are also requiring about Rs. 50,000 monthly for the work, and for that they are managing with travelling party and temple collection of Calcutta. So you collect from Delhi and spend, and for the rest these other parties will send. I have got report that Yasodanandana has collected more than Rs. 20,000 for Vrindaban, so you have not to worry about anything. But you must keep accurate accounts how it is spent and send me. So far Saurabha is concerned, I have left him at Hyderabad to design our temple there on the land donated for that purpose in the busiest marketplace of central Hyderabad city. But if you invite him to come there from time to time, I have no objection. If you can finish the work by Janmastami next, that will be a very great credit for you, and I shall come there from any part of the world just to install the deity. But now you must work very, very hard to make good your promise to me, otherwise I shall be very disappointed and become very, very angry upon you. You may purchase deity from Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust Fund, about that I shall inform you later. One thing is, I have received report that Tejiyas is having difficulty in Delhi because no men are there to assist him. Delhi is the cultural capital of India, but we have not yet done very much to develop in Delhi. Tejyas is very sincere and hard-working boy, so we must encourage him. So I have asked Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to find some men to go there, and they will do the needful. There are so many intelligent boys and girls in Delhi, that I have marked, and I think there is more potential there than other places in India, so if you and Yamuna go to Delhi from time to time to help Tejiyas with the preaching work, especially preaching to the student class of young persons, that will be nice. If there is shortage of men, we must recruit some men, first-class men, to help us do the work. If that is attempted sincerely, this preaching work, Krishna will provide men to help us. Krishna does not like to see His men suffer or become frustrated and depressed on His behalf, no. If we remain always faithful to Him, working very hard despite all difficulties, very quickly you will meet Krishna face-to-face, you may know it for certain. Another thing is, I have heard there is no more CCP for getting our books. But now we are holding a huge pandal festival in the Cross Maidan at Bombay, from January 12th to 21st, so we shall need to take our BTG shipment from the Bombay docks, but they will not allow without CCP. So I hope by now you have got it, and if not, try for it immediately, treat it as urgent matter. And if Yamuna wants to come for that Festival here, she may come here for a few days to lead kirtana before my lectures, then return. But I think that Gurudasa may have to stay for the work, or if there is opportunity, he may also come, but the work must not be jeopardized. Hoping this meets you both in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda Labels: building, India, management, preachers, Vrindavan letters | 17:22 |19 December, 1972 Bombay My dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 29, 1972, and I have noted the contents with pleasure. I am so much happy to hear from you all the good news of our Mayapur centre! No, your liking of engagement there is not at all an inappropriate attachment, rather it is your qualification for pleasing your spiritual master. Attachment must be there, for Krishna or for maya. So you have become attached to developing the Mayapur centre, that is Krishna's work, so Krishna appreciates very much when His devotee becomes attached to Him in this way. Yes, the cooperative spirit of working together without any argument is especially prominent in Mayapur, more than other places in India. Therefore you are successful, and the work is going on quickly to completion. That is because all of you working there have become very much attached to the dust from Lord Caitanya's Lotus Feet, and because you have got such deep personal interest with that engagement of work, you want to see that it is done nicely without any hindrance of selfish motivation, never mind all kinds of conditions of the material nature. That idea has become prominent for all of you, it is bigger than maya's idea, therefore maya cannot interfere to make you quarrel or other things. But you especially are to take the credit. From the very beginning you wanted that place, and you got the land, got money from me, and now you have built the place by your concentration of energy. That is wanted. If there is some discrepancy anywhere, some non-cooperation, fighting, or if the work is slow or not to the standard, it is to be supposed that the person or persons in charge are not very much attached to Krishna. That means they will discriminate: my engagement is not good, other's engagement is good, like that. They do not know the secret of surrendering to Krishna. Such surrendered devotee sees that everything is part of Krishna's plan, that whatever is meant to be, I am doing that, so let me do it with my full attention to every detail, let me become absorbed in such service, never mind what it is, but let all other considerations be forgotten and only my desire to do the thing best for Krishna's alone pleasure be my motive. That is advanced stage of understanding devotional service or Krishna Consciousness. Thank you very much for your kindly coming to the point. Now I want to officially open the building on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day. So please try to finish it by that time. What is the use to buy more land like Damodara Maharaja's land? And why his house is so special it is worth Rs. 11,000? So far Sridhara Swami's land, if we can use it then we may purchase, but we cannot pay such a high price for it.* In these things you decide as you think best, I cannot tax my brain. Do everything consulting Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna. Now we are holding a very grand pandal function in the Cross Maidan at Bombay, so it may be that we shall have to bring the Radha-Madhava deities there from there to Bombay for the occasion. We are trying to get new deities from Jaipur, but that may not be possible. Let us see. But at least be prepared to bring them at any time. Acyutananda may bring them with him to Bombay. You may inform Acyutananda that I want that he shall come here for the pandal programme, to lead the kirtana and preach in the 'Questions and Answers' tent. He should remain prepared, and if I call to bring deities, he can bring. Otherwise he may reach here by first of January, in any case. Others may also come from that side, especially Gargamuni may come if he likes, he is first-class preacher to preach to many thousands who will attend the Questions and Answers tents, so you may inform like that. And whoever shall come must bring with them as many mrdangas and karatalas as possible, at least four drums are required and ten sets of karatalas. Otherwise there are no instruments here for the kirtana, and that will be a great dishonor for displaying the sankirtana movement to people of Bombay. Kindly inform the others these things.* Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda *As we are not in need of Sridhara Maharaja's land why should we take it? Better wait until my arrival. *Our Ahmedabad programme was highly successful. Labels: land, Mayapur, philosophy, sankirtan letters | 17:20 | |
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